All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- A - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- Absolute - Enum constant in enum class
- absoluteEncoderFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- absolutePosition - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XAbsoluteEncoderInputs
- absoluteRawPosition - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XDutyCycleEncoderInputs
- absorbObstacle(Obstacle) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- activeStore - Variable in class
- adapter - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DigitalInputWPIAdapter
- add(T) - Method in class xbot.common.math.MovingAverage
- add(T, T) - Method in interface xbot.common.math.MovingAverage.SumFunction
- add(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Adds the value of a second coordinate to the current coordinate.
- addAnalogButton(int, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- addAnalogButton(AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- addCommandToSmartDashboard(String, BaseCommand) - Method in class xbot.common.command.MockSmartDashboardCommandPutter
- addCommandToSmartDashboard(String, BaseCommand) - Method in class xbot.common.command.RealSmartDashboardCommandPutter
- addCommandToSmartDashboard(String, BaseCommand) - Method in interface xbot.common.command.SmartDashboardCommandPutter
- addCommandToSmartDashboard(BaseCommand) - Method in class xbot.common.command.MockSmartDashboardCommandPutter
- addCommandToSmartDashboard(BaseCommand) - Method in class xbot.common.command.RealSmartDashboardCommandPutter
- addCommandToSmartDashboard(BaseCommand) - Method in interface xbot.common.command.SmartDashboardCommandPutter
- additionalAtGoalChecks() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Maintainer systems already check for error tolerance and time stability.
- addMagnitude(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Add the magnitude to the vector represented by the coordinate.
- addObstacle(Obstacle) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.LowResField
Adds an obstacle to the field.
- addPoint(FieldPose) - Method in class
- addPoint(RabbitPoint) - Method in class
- addPose(FieldPose) - Method in class
- addTestBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
- addTestDouble(String, double) - Method in class
- addTestString(String, String) - Method in class
- AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger(XJoystick, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger
- AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory
- AdvancedPovButtonTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedPovButtonTrigger(XJoystick, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedPovButtonTrigger
- AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory
- AdvancedTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedTrigger(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedTrigger
- AdvancedXboxAxisTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedXboxAxisTrigger(XXboxController, XXboxController.XboxButton, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxAxisTrigger
- AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger(XXboxController, XXboxController.XboxButton) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger(XXboxController, XXboxController.XboxButton, BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- advanceTimeInSecondsBy(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockTimer
- advanceTimeInSecondsBy(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.TimerWpiAdapter
- advanceTimeInSecondsBy(double) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSettableTimerImpl
Advance the timer
- aKitLog - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- aKitLog - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- AKitLogger - Class in xbot.common.advantage
- AKitLogger(String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- AKitLogger(IPropertySupport) - Constructor for class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- AKitLogger.LogLevel - Enum Class in xbot.common.advantage
- akitName - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- allocatedButtons - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- allOf(boolean...) - Static method in class xbot.common.logic.LogicUtils
Returns true if all the given values are true.
- ambiguity() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Analog - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- AnalogDistanceSensor - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- AnalogDistanceSensor(XAnalogInput.XAnalogInputFactory, int, DoubleFunction<Double>, String, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor
- AnalogDistanceSensor.AnalogDistanceSensorFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- analogDistanceSensorFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- AnalogDistanceSensorFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor.AnalogDistanceSensorFactory
- AnalogHIDButtonConfiguration - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AnalogHIDButtonConfiguration(XJoystick, int, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonConfiguration
- analogHidButtonFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- AnalogHIDButtonTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AnalogHIDButtonTrigger(XJoystick, int, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger
Create a joystick button for triggering commands based off of an analog axis
- AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory
- AnalogHIDDescription(int, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- analogInputFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- AnalogInputWPIAdapater - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- AnalogInputWPIAdapater(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- AnalogInputWPIAdapater.AnalogInputWPIAdapaterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- AnalogInputWPIAdapaterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater.AnalogInputWPIAdapaterFactory
- analogMaxThreshold - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- analogMinThreshold - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- angle - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANMotorControllerInputs
- angularVelocity - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANMotorControllerInputs
- anyOf(boolean...) - Static method in class xbot.common.logic.LogicUtils
Returns true if any of the given values are true.
- appendPrefix(String) - Method in class
Appends a prefix to the current prefix for all properties created by this factory.
- appliedOutput - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- APRIL_TAG - Enum constant in enum class
The camera is capable of providing April Tag localization information.
- AprilTagCamera - Class in
This class provides common base implementation for April Tag capable cameras on the robot.
- AprilTagCamera(CameraInfo, Supplier<Double>, AprilTagFieldLayout, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new AprilTagCamera.
- AprilTagVisionIO - Interface in
IO interface for AprilTag vision inputs.
- AprilTagVisionIO.PoseObservation - Record Class in
Represents a robot pose sample used for pose estimation.
- AprilTagVisionIO.PoseObservationType - Enum Class in
- AprilTagVisionIO.TargetObservation - Record Class in
Represents the angle to a simple target, not used for pose estimation.
- AprilTagVisionIO.VisionIOInputs - Class in
- AprilTagVisionIOFactory - Interface in
- AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVision - Class in
IO implementation for real PhotonVision hardware.
- AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVision(String, Transform3d, AprilTagFieldLayout) - Constructor for class
Creates a new VisionIOPhotonVision.
- AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVision.FactoryImpl - Class in
- AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVisionSimulated - Class in
IO implementation for a simulated PhotonVision environment.
- AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVisionSimulated(String, Transform3d, AprilTagFieldLayout, Lazy<SimulatedPositionSupplier>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVisionSimulated.
- AprilTagVisionIOPhotonVisionSimulated.FactoryImpl - Class in
- AprilTagVisionSubsystem - Class in
Subsystem for processing AprilTag vision data.
- AprilTagVisionSubsystem(PropertyFactory, AprilTagFieldLayout, XCameraElectricalContract, AprilTagVisionIOFactory) - Constructor for class
- arcadeDrive(double, double) - Method in class
Classic arcade drive
- areCanCodersReady() - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XSwerveDriveElectricalContract
Returns true if the steering encoders are ready to be used.
- areTwoDoublesEquivalent(double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- areTwoDoublesEquivalent(double, double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- areTwoTargetsEquivalent(Double, Double) - Method in class
- areTwoTargetsEquivalent(Double, Double) - Method in class
- areTwoTargetsEquivalent(T, T) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- assertionManager - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- assertTrue(boolean, String) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- asyncJob - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- asyncTimer - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- atGoal - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- Attempting - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationMode
- Auto - Enum constant in enum class
- autonomousCommand - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- autonomousCommandSelector - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- autonomousCommandSelector() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- AutonomousCommandSelector - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous
- AutonomousCommandSelector(PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- autonomousInit() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- autonomousPeriodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
This function is called periodically during autonomous
- averageTagDistance() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - axisNumber - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- B - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- Back - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- BaseCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
Enhanced version of WPILib's Command that allows for extension of existing functionality.
- BaseCommand() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- BaseComponent - Class in xbot.common.injection.components
Base class for all Components that provides methods to get implementations from DI.
- BaseComponent() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- BaseDriveSubsystem - Class in
- BaseDriveSubsystem() - Constructor for class
- BaseMaintainerCommand<T> - Class in xbot.common.command
A command that maintains a subsystem at a goal value (and allows human override).
- BaseMaintainerCommand(BaseSetpointSubsystem<T>, PropertyFactory, HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Creates a new maintainer command.
- BasePoseSubsystem - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.pose
- BasePoseSubsystem(XGyro.XGyroFactory, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- BaseRobot - Class in xbot.common.command
Core Robot class which configures logging, properties, scheduling, and the injector.
- BaseRobot() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- BaseSetpointCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
- BaseSetpointCommand(SupportsSetpointLock, SupportsSetpointLock...) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointCommand
- BaseSetpointSubsystem<T> - Class in xbot.common.command
Base class for subsystems that have a setpoint managed by a maintainer.
- BaseSetpointSubsystem() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- BaseSimulationTest - Class in xbot.common.simulation
- BaseSimulationTest() - Constructor for class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- BaseSubsystem - Class in xbot.common.command
- BaseSubsystem() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem - Class in
- BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem(PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory, PropertyFactory, SwerveComponent, SwerveComponent, SwerveComponent, SwerveComponent) - Constructor for class
- BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem.SwerveModuleLocation - Enum Class in
- BaseWaitForMaintainerCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
Command that waits for a setpoint subsystem to reach its goal
- BaseWaitForMaintainerCommand(BaseSetpointSubsystem, PropertyFactory, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.BaseWaitForMaintainerCommand
- BaseWPITest - Class in xbot.common.injection
- BaseWPITest() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
- BooleanProperty - Class in
A property holding a boolean value.
- BooleanProperty(String, String, boolean, XPropertyManager) - Constructor for class
- BooleanProperty(String, String, boolean, XPropertyManager, Property.PropertyLevel) - Constructor for class
- Both - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.Latch.EdgeType
- BothInside - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
- BothOutside - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
- bottomLeft - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- bottomLeftAvailable - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- bottomRight - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- bottomRightAvailable - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- Brake - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.NeutralMode
- build() - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent.Builder
- build() - Method in class
- buildMotorObject(int, boolean) - Method in interface xbot.common.simulation.ISimulatableSolenoid
- buildMotorObject(String, float) - Method in interface xbot.common.simulation.ISimulatableMotor
- busId - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- busId() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - busVoltage - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- buttonName - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- calculate(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- calculate(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Calculates the output value given P,I,D, a process variable and a goal
- calculate(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Calculates the output value given P,I,D, a process variable and a goal
- calculate(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Calculates the output value given P,I,D, a process variable and a goal
- calculateDeltaHeadingPower(double) - Method in class
- calculateFrozenHeadingPower() - Method in class
- calculateHeadingPower(double) - Method in class
Core method of the HeadingAssistModule.
- calculateHeadingPower(double) - Method in class
- calculateHeadingPower(Rotation2d) - Method in class
- calculatePower() - Method in class
Calculate the target motor power using software PID.
- calculatePowers(Pose2d, PIDManager, HeadingModule) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- calculatePowers(Pose2d, PIDManager, HeadingModule, double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- calculateTarget(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator
- calculateThrottle(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.VelocityThrottleModule
- Calibrated - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationMode
- calibratedMachineControlAction() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
The calibrated machine control action.
- calibratedMachineControlAction() - Method in class
- calibratedMachineControlAction() - Method in class
- calibrateHere() - Method in class
Mark the current encoder position as facing forward (0 degrees)
- calibrateInherentRioOrientation() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- calibrateMotorControllerPositionFromCanCoder() - Method in class
Reset the SparkMax encoder position based on the CanCoder measurement.
- CalibrationDecider - Class in xbot.common.logic
- CalibrationDecider(String, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider
- CalibrationDecider.CalibrationDeciderFactory - Class in xbot.common.logic
- CalibrationDecider.CalibrationMode - Enum Class in xbot.common.logic
- calibrationDeciderFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- CalibrationDeciderFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationDeciderFactory
- camera - Variable in class
- camera - Variable in class
- CameraCapabilities - Enum Class in
This enum is used to specify the capabilities of a camera.
- CameraInfo - Record Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
This class is used to provide information about the cameras on the robot.
- CameraInfo(String, String, Transform3d, EnumSet<CameraCapabilities>) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Creates an instance of a
record class. - cameraMatrix - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- camerasWithTagVisible(int) - Method in class
Returns the set of cameras that can see the specified tag.
- cameraToTarget() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - CAN - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- canBusId - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- CANBusId - Record Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
Represents a CAN bus ID
- CANBusId(String) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CANCoderAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- CANCoderAdapter(DeviceInfo, String, DevicePolice, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- CANCoderAdapter.CANCoderAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- CANCoderAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter.CANCoderAdapterFactory
- canCoderFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- CANMotorControllerInfo - Record Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- CANMotorControllerInfo(String, int) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
- CANMotorControllerInfo(String, MotorControllerType, CANBusId, int) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
- CANMotorControllerInfo(String, MotorControllerType, CANBusId, int, CANMotorControllerOutputConfig) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CANMotorControllerOutputConfig - Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- CANMotorControllerOutputConfig() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.InversionType - Enum Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.NeutralMode - Enum Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, RobotAssertionManager, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- CANSparkMaxWpiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapterFactory
- CANTalonFxWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- CANTalonFxWpiAdapter(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- CANTalonFxWpiAdapter.CANTalonFxWpiAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- CANTalonFxWpiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter.CANTalonFxWpiAdapterFactory
- capabilities() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - ChangeActiveSwerveModuleCommand - Class in
- ChangeActiveSwerveModuleCommand(BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem) - Constructor for class
- changeDriveStyle(RabbitPoint.PointDriveStyle) - Method in class
- changeIntoMecanum() - Method in class
- changeIntoNoDrive() - Method in class
- changeIntoTankDrive() - Method in class
- changePointType(RabbitPoint.PointType) - Method in class
- changePositionalPid(PIDManager) - Method in class
- changeRotationalPid(PIDManager) - Method in class
- changeTerminatingType(RabbitPoint.PointTerminatingType) - Method in class
- channel - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- channel - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- channel - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- chaseData - Variable in class
- chaseHeading - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- chasePoint - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- check() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.WatchdogTimer
- checkStable(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Checks if the value has been stable for the entire stable window duration.
- checkValue(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.LoggingLatch
- checkXCombination(Translation2d, Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- checkYCombination(Translation2d, Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- cheesyDrive(double, double) - Method in class
Slightly adapted from 254's 2016
- chordButtonFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- ChordTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- ChordTrigger(Trigger, Trigger) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.ChordTrigger
- ChordTrigger.ChordTriggerFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- ChordTriggerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.ChordTrigger.ChordTriggerFactory
- classInstantiationTime - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- clear() - Method in class
- clear() - Method in interface
Clears all values from the table.
- clear() - Method in class
- clear() - Method in class
- clear() - Method in class
- clearStickyFaults() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- clearStickyFaults() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- clearStickyFaults() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
- clone() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- clone() - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- clone() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Clone the object
- Coast - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.NeutralMode
- Coast - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode
- coastAction() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
The coast action.
- coastAction() - Method in class
- coastAction() - Method in class
- command - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- compressor - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
- compressorFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- CompressorSubsystem - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.compressor
Subsystem for managing compressor state.
- CompressorSubsystem(XCompressor.XCompressorFactory, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Create a new CompressorSubsystem.
- CompressorWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- CompressorWPIAdapter() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter
- CompressorWPIAdapter.CompressorWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- CompressorWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter.CompressorWPIAdapterFactory
- configurablePurePursuitCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.PurePursuitTestComponent
- ConfigurablePurePursuitCommand - Class in
- ConfigurablePurePursuitCommand(HeadingModule.HeadingModuleFactory, BasePoseSubsystem, BaseDriveSubsystem, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class
- ConfigurePropertiesCommand - Class in
- ConfigurePropertiesCommand(ITableProxy) - Constructor for class
- connected - Variable in class
- connected - Variable in class
- constantRotationEnabled - Variable in class
- constantRotationPowerSupplier - Variable in class
- constrainDouble(double, double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- constrainDoubleToRobotScale(double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- constrainInt(int, int, int) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- ContiguousDouble - Class in xbot.common.math
Wraps a double to allow easy comparison and manipulation of sensor readings that wrap (e.g.
- ContiguousDouble() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- ContiguousDouble(double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- ContiguousDouble(double, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- Continue - Enum constant in enum class
- controller - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- controlOnlyActiveSwerveModuleSubsystem(double, double) - Method in class
Controls the drive power and steering power of the active module.
- controlPanel - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PlanarTestVisualizer
- convertBluetoRed(Pose2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
Converts a pose from blue to red alliance, by mirroring across the field midline at an assumed X coordinate.
- convertBlueToRed(Rotation2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
Converts a Rotation2d from blue to red alliance, by mirroring across the field midline at an assumed X coordinate.
- convertBlueToRed(Translation2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
Converts a Translation2d from blue to red alliance, by mirroring across the field midline at an assumed X coordinate.
- convertBlueToRedIfNeeded(Pose2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
Converts a Pose2d from blue to red alliance, if and ONLY IF you are currently on the Red alliance.
- convertBlueToRedIfNeeded(Rotation2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- convertBlueToRedIfNeeded(Translation2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
Converts a Translation2d from blue to red alliance, if and ONLY IF you are currently on the Red alliance.
- crabDrive(double, double) - Method in class
Give the same power to all steering modules, and the another power to all the drive wheels.
- create() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPowerDistributionPanel.MockPowerDistributionPanelFactory
- create() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor.MockCompressorFactory
- create() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter.CompressorWPIAdapterFactory
- create() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor.XCompressorFactory
Creates an XCompressor instance.
- create() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger.VirtualTriggerFactory
- create() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapaterFactory
- create() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.XGyroFactory
- create() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XPowerDistributionPanel.XPowerDistributionPanelFactory
- create(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger.VirtualTriggerFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput.MockAnalogInputFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput.MockDigitalOutputFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM.MockPWMFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid.MockSolenoidFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSpeedController.MockSpeedControllerFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter.MockXboxControllerFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockRelay.MockRelayFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter.DigitalOutputWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter.PWMWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.RelayWPIAdapter.RelayWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SolenoidWPIAdapter.SolenoidWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SpeedControllerWPIAdapter.SpeedControllerWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput.XDigitalOutputFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM.XPWMFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay.XRelayFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo.XServoFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid.XSolenoidFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController.XSpeedControllerFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater.AnalogInputWPIAdapaterFactory
- create(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter.XboxControllerWpiAdapterFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput.XAnalogInputFactory
- create(int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XXboxControllerFactory
- create(int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad.MockFTCGamepadFactory
- create(int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick.MockJoystickFactory
- create(int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter.FTCGamepadWpiAdapterFactory
- create(int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter.JoystickWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int, int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad.XFTCGamepadFactory
- create(int, int) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick.XJoystickFactory
- create(int, String) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockServo.MockServoFactory
- create(int, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.ServoWPIAdapter.ServoWPIAdapterFactory
- create(int, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo.XServoFactory
- create(int, DoubleFunction<Double>, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor.AnalogDistanceSensorFactory
- create(int, DoubleFunction<Double>, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensorFactory
- create(int, DoubleFunction<Double>, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor.XAnalogDistanceSensorFactory
- create(I2C.Port, String) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockLidarLite.MockLidarLiteFactory
- create(I2C.Port, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.LidarLiteWpiAdapter.LidarLiteWpiAdapterFactory
- create(I2C.Port, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite.XLidarLiteFactory
- create(Trigger, Trigger) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.ChordTrigger.ChordTriggerFactory
- create(String) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationDeciderFactory
- create(String) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory
Creates a new decider with the given prefix.
- create(String) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallDetectorFactory
- create(String) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPosePropertyManager.FieldPosePropertyManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager.PIDPropertyManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager.PIDPropertyManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager.PIDPropertyManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, int, int, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder.MockEncoderFactory
- create(String, int, int, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.EncoderWPIAdapter.EncoderWPIAdapterFactory
- create(String, int, int, double) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder.XEncoderFactory
- create(String, Transform3d) - Method in interface
- create(String, Transform3d) - Method in class
- create(String, Transform3d) - Method in class
- create(String, Transform3d) - Method in class
- create(String, String) - Method in class xbot.common.networking.MockZeromqListener.MockZeromqListenerFactory
- create(String, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.networking.XZeromqListener.XZeromqListenerFactory
- create(String, String) - Method in class xbot.common.networking.ZeromqListener.ZeromqListenerFactory
- create(String, FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPosePropertyManager.FieldPosePropertyManagerFactory
- create(String, PIDDefaults) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- create(String, PIDManager) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.VelocityThrottleModule.VelocityThrottleModuleFactory
- create(XSolenoid, XSolenoid) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.XDoubleSolenoidFactory
- create(XGyro.InterfaceType) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro.MockGyroFactory
- create(XGyro.InterfaceType) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapterFactory
- create(XGyro.InterfaceType) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.XGyroFactory
- create(XJoystick) - Method in class
- create(XJoystick) - Method in interface
- create(XJoystick, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory
- create(XJoystick, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory
- create(XJoystick, int, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory
- create(XJoystick, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory
- create(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.XCANMotorControllerFactory
- create(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController.MockCANMotorControllerFactory
- create(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapterFactory
- create(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter.CANTalonFxWpiAdapterFactory
- create(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.XCANMotorControllerFactory
- create(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerFactoryImpl
- create(DeviceInfo) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockDutyCycleEncoder.MockDutyCycleEncoderFactory
- create(DeviceInfo) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapterFactory
- create(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder.XDutyCycleEncoderFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput.MockDigitalInputFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder.MockAbsoluteEncoderFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder.MockCANCoderFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter.CANCoderAdapterFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DigitalInputWPIAdapter.DigitalInputWPIAdapterFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder.XAbsoluteEncoderFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder.XCANCoderFactory
- create(DeviceInfo, String) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput.XDigitalInputFactory
- create(PIDManager) - Method in class
- create(HeadingModule, String) - Method in class
- create(HeadingModule, HeadingModule, String) - Method in class
Creates a heading assist module.
- createAutonomousStateMessageCommand(String) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- createChangeDriveCurrentLimitsCommand(SwerveDriveSubsystem.CurrentLimitMode) - Method in class
- createDaggerComponent() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
Returns the
instance used for dependency injection - createDaggerComponent() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
Returns the
instance used for dependency injection - createDaggerComponent() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- createEnableDisableQuickAlignActive() - Method in class
- createPersistentProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class
Method for creating a double persistent property.
- createPersistentProperty(String, boolean, Property.PropertyLevel) - Method in class
Method for creating a double persistent property.
- createPersistentProperty(String, double) - Method in class
Method for creating a double persistent property.
- createPersistentProperty(String, double, Property.PropertyLevel) - Method in class
Method for creating a double persistent property.
- createPersistentProperty(String, String) - Method in class
Method for creating a double persistent property.
- createPersistentProperty(String, String, Property.PropertyLevel) - Method in class
Method for creating a double persistent property.
- createPotentiallyFilppedXbotSwervePoint(Pose2d, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- createPotentiallyFilppedXbotSwervePoint(Translation2d, Rotation2d, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- createSetTargetCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- createSetTargetCommand(T) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- createSimpleSensorPayload(String, JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- createSimpleWorldPosePayload(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- createUnlockFullDrivePowerCommand() - Method in class
- current - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANMotorControllerInputs
- currentHeading - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- d - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- d() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - d() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - DatabaseStorageBase - Class in
- DatabaseStorageBase(String) - Constructor for class
- DataFrameRefreshable - Interface in xbot.common.advantage
Interface for objects that need to have state refreshed before the subsystem periodic loop.
- dataFrameRefreshables - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- dataFrameRefreshables - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- deadband(double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- deadband(double, double, Function<Double, Double>) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- Debug - Enum constant in enum class
- DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger.LogLevel
- DebugFlag - Class in
- DebugFlag() - Constructor for class
- DecayVelocity - Enum constant in enum class
- decideMode(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider
- decider - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
- defaultBottomLeft - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- defaultBottomRight - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- DefaultCanivore - Static variable in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
- defaultPValue - Variable in class
- defaultTopLeft - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- defaultTopRight - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- DefaultVisionModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
- DefaultVisionModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.DefaultVisionModule
- delay(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockTimer
- delay(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.TimerWpiAdapter
- delay(double) - Static method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimer
- delay(double) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimerImpl
- delaySupplier - Variable in class xbot.common.command.DelayViaSupplierCommand
- DelayViaSupplierCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
- DelayViaSupplierCommand(Supplier<Double>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.DelayViaSupplierCommand
- derivativeThreshold() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - DerivativeTooLarge - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
- DesiredHeading - Enum constant in enum class
- deviceHealth - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XAbsoluteEncoderInputs
- DeviceHealth - Enum Class in xbot.common.resiliency
- deviceId - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- deviceId() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - DeviceInfo - Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- DeviceInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- DeviceInfo(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- DeviceInfo(String, int, boolean, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- DeviceInfo(String, CANBusId, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- DeviceInfo(String, CANBusId, int, boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- devicePolice - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- devicePolice() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- DevicePolice - Class in xbot.common.injection
Tracks how many devices are registered and prevents incorrectly re-using devices
- DevicePolice(RobotAssertionManager) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
Creates a new DevicePolice instance
- DevicePolice.DeviceType - Enum Class in xbot.common.injection
Types of devices
- difference(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Computes the difference between two values (other - this), accounting for wrapping.
- difference(ContiguousDouble) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Computes the difference between two values (other - this), accounting for wrapping
- digitalInputFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- DigitalInputWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- DigitalInputWPIAdapter(DeviceInfo, String, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DigitalInputWPIAdapter
Create an instance of a Digital Input class.
- DigitalInputWPIAdapter.DigitalInputWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- DigitalInputWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DigitalInputWPIAdapter.DigitalInputWPIAdapterFactory
- DigitalIO - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- digitalOutputFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- DigitalOutputWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- DigitalOutputWPIAdapter(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- DigitalOutputWPIAdapter.DigitalOutputWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- DigitalOutputWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter.DigitalOutputWPIAdapterFactory
- disable() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor
- disable() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter
- disable() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor
Disable the compressor.
- disable() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Disable the compressor.
- disabledInit() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- disabledPeriodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- disablePWM() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- disablePWM() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- disablePWM() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- distance - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- distancePerPulse - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- distancePerPulseSupplier - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- distanceRemaining - Variable in class
- DistanceSensor - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- DistanceSensorPair - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- distanceToTargetPoint - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- distCoeffs - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- distributeSimulationPayload(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.SimulationPayloadDistributor
Fans out data from a simulation (like Webots) to all the simulatable devices registered on the robot.
- divide(T, int) - Method in interface xbot.common.math.MovingAverage.SumFunction
- doesLibraryVersionMatchCoprocessorVersion() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- doesPointLieAlongMidlines(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- dotProduct(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Calculate the dot-product between this and another point.
- DoubleInterpolator - Class in xbot.common.math
- DoubleInterpolator() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.DoubleInterpolator
- DoubleInterpolator(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.DoubleInterpolator
- DoubleProperty - Class in
This manages a double in the property system.
- DoubleProperty(String, String, double, XPropertyManager) - Constructor for class
- DoubleProperty(String, String, double, XPropertyManager, Property.PropertyLevel) - Constructor for class
- doubleSolenoidFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- downgradeRabbitPointList(List<RabbitPoint>) - Static method in class
- drawArrow(String, XYPair, XYPair, Color, float) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- drawCircle(String, XYPair, float, Color, float) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- drawLine(String, XYPair, XYPair, Color, float) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- drive - Variable in class
- drive - Variable in class
- drive(double, double) - Method in class
Classic tank drive.
- drive(XYPair, double) - Method in class
Commands each of the XCANTalons to respond to translation/rotation input.
- drive(XYPair, double, boolean) - Method in class
Commands each of the XCANTalons to respond to translation/rotation input.
- driveStyle - Variable in class
- driveSubsystem() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- DutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode
DutyCycle mode is used to control the motor controller's output as a percentage of the maximum output.
- dutyCycleEncoderFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter(DeviceInfo, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter
- DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapterFactory
- edu.wpi.first.wpilibj - package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- enable() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor
- enable() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter
- enable() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor
Enable the compressor.
- enable() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Enable the compressor.
- enablePWM(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- enablePWM(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- enablePWM(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- encoderFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- EncoderWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- EncoderWPIAdapter(String, int, int, double, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.EncoderWPIAdapter
- EncoderWPIAdapter.EncoderWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- EncoderWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.EncoderWPIAdapter.EncoderWPIAdapterFactory
- end(boolean) - Method in class
- end(boolean) - Method in class
- end(boolean) - Method in class
- end(boolean) - Method in class
- end(boolean) - Method in class
- Ephemeral - Enum constant in enum class
- equals(Object) - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- equals(Object) - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveInstance
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- errorThreshold() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - errorTimeStableWindowProp - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
- errorToleranceProp - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
- ErrorTooLarge - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
- evaluateCurrentPoint() - Method in class
This is the core method that looks at the point list, figures out which point to be heading towards, and doing the math on how to get there.
- evaluateCurrentPoint(FieldPose) - Method in class
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseWaitForMaintainerCommand
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.command.DelayViaSupplierCommand
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.command.SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand
- execute() - Method in class
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.ResetSimulatorPositionCommand
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.SetAutonomousCommand
- execute() - Method in class
- execute() - Method in class
- execute() - Method in class
- execute() - Method in class
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.ResetDistanceCommand
- execute() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- exponentAndRetainSign(double, int) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- f - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- f() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - FACING_AWAY_FROM_DRIVERS - Static variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- FACING_TOWARDS_DRIVERS - Static variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- FactoryImpl() - Constructor for class
- FactoryImpl() - Constructor for class
- FactoryImpl() - Constructor for class
- fail(String) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- FallingEdge - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.Latch.EdgeType
- fiducialId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - fieldOrientedDrive(XYPair, double, double, boolean) - Method in class
- fieldOrientedDrive(XYPair, double, double, XYPair) - Method in class
- FieldPose - Class in xbot.common.math
The FieldPose class represents a point on the field as well as a heading.
- FieldPose() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- FieldPose(double, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- FieldPose(XYPair, Rotation2d) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- FieldPosePropertyManager - Class in xbot.common.math
- FieldPosePropertyManager(String, double, double, double, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.FieldPosePropertyManager
- FieldPosePropertyManager.FieldPosePropertyManagerFactory - Class in xbot.common.math
- fieldPosePropertyManagerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- FieldPosePropertyManagerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.FieldPosePropertyManager.FieldPosePropertyManagerFactory
- fieldXMidpointInMeters - Static variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- findClosestPointOnPerimeterToPoint(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- FirstInside - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
- firstPeriodicCall - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- firstUpdate - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- fl - Variable in class
- forceTotalXandY(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.MockBasePoseSubsystem
- FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode
- forwardSolenoid - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- fr - Variable in class
- freezeHeading() - Method in class
- friendlyName - Variable in class
- friendlyName() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - frmLinearTestVisualizer - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PlanarTestVisualizer
- fromDegrees(double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.WrappedRotation2d
Constructs and returns a Rotation2d with the given degree value.
- fromPolar(double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Create a coordinate from an angle and magnitude
- fromRotation2d(Rotation2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.WrappedRotation2d
Converts a Rotation2d to the wrapped equivalent.
- fromUnitPolar(double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Create a coordinate of magnitude 1 with an angle
- FRONT_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
- FRONT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
- frontLeft - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponentHolder
- FrontLeftDrive - Annotation Interface in xbot.common.injection.swerve
This annotation denotes the front left swerve module.
- frontRight - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponentHolder
- FrontRightDrive - Annotation Interface in xbot.common.injection.swerve
This annotation denotes the front right swerve module.
- ftcGamepadFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- FTCGamepadWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- FTCGamepadWpiAdapter(int, int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- FTCGamepadWpiAdapter.FTCGamepadWpiAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- FTCGamepadWpiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter.FTCGamepadWpiAdapterFactory
- g - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- GAME_SPECIFIC - Enum constant in enum class
The camera is capable of providing game-specific information.
- GaveUp - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationMode
- generatePath(Pose2d, Pose2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.LowResField
Generates a path from the current position to the target point, avoiding known obstacles.
- generatePath(Pose2d, Pose2d) - Method in interface xbot.common.trajectory.ProvidesWaypoints
- generateTrajectory(List<XbotSwervePoint>) - Static method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockServo
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSpeedController
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockRelay
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.ServoWPIAdapter
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SolenoidWPIAdapter
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SpeedControllerWPIAdapter
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
Get the current value of the servo.
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- get() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput
- get() - Method in class
- get() - Method in class
- get() - Method in class
- get_internal() - Method in class
- get_internal() - Method in class
- get_internal() - Method in class
- getAbsoluteDegrees() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- getAbsoluteEncoderFactory(MockAbsoluteEncoder.MockAbsoluteEncoderFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getAbsoluteEncoderFactory(CANCoderAdapter.CANCoderAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getAbsoluteEncoderPosition() - Method in class
Gets the reported position of the CANCoder.
- getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
Typically not recommended - use
instead. - getAbsolutePosition_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- getAbsolutePosition_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- getAbsolutePosition_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- getAdjusted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- getAdjustedDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- getAdjustedRate() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- getAlliance() - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getAllPoseObservations() - Method in class
Gets all the pose observations in this iteration of the scheduler loop.
- getAllUnreadResults() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- getAnalogDistanceSensorFactory(AnalogDistanceSensor.AnalogDistanceSensorFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getAnalogDistanceSensorFactory(SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensorFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getAnalogIfAvailable(AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getAnalogInputFactory(MockAnalogInput.MockAnalogInputFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getAnalogInputFactory(AnalogInputWPIAdapater.AnalogInputWPIAdapaterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getAngle() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Get the angle of the vector in degrees
- getAngleToPoint(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getAprilTagCameras() - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XCameraElectricalContract
Get the information about the cameras on the robot that support AprilTag detection.
- getAsBoolean() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.InvertingBooleanSupplier
- getAsBoolean() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.SettableBooleanSuppler
- getAsDigital(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- getAsDigital(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- getAsDigital(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput
- getAverage() - Method in class xbot.common.math.MovingAverage
- getAverageVoltage() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- getAverageVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- getAverageVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput
- getAxisInverted(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getBestEncoderPosition() - Method in class
Gets the current position of the mechanism using the best available encoder.
- getBonusOffset() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class
- getBoolean(String) - Method in interface
Reads a boolean property value.
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class
- getButton(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- getButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- getButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- getButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- getButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getCamera() - Method in class
Get the camera.
- getCameraCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of cameras.
- getCameraInfo() - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XCameraElectricalContract
Get the information about the cameras on the robot.
- getCameraMatrix() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- getCameraMatrixRaw() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- getCameraPosition(int) - Method in class
Gets the position of the camera relative to the robot.
- getCANCoderFactory(MockCANCoder.MockCANCoderFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getCANCoderFactory(CANCoderAdapter.CANCoderAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getCenter() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- getChannel() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- getChannel() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
Get the PWM channel that this servo is connected to.
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockDutyCycleEncoder
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DigitalInputWPIAdapter
Get the channel of the digital input
- getChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- getChannel() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.XBaseIO
- getCleanPrefix() - Method in class
- getClosestCornerToPoint(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
Finds the closest available corner of this obstacle from a given point.
- getCompassHeading(Rotation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getCompressorCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Gets the current consumed by the compressor.
- getCompressorFactory(MockCompressor.MockCompressorFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getCompressorFactory(CompressorWPIAdapter.CompressorWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor
- getCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- getCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- getCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter
- getCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- getCurrent() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor
Gets the current drawn by the compressor.
- getCurrent(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPowerDistributionPanel
- getCurrent(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter
- getCurrent(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XPowerDistributionPanel
- getCurrentAutonomousCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- getCurrentFieldPose() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getCurrentHeading() - Method in interface
- getCurrentHeading() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getCurrentHeadingAngularVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getCurrentPose2d() - Method in interface
- getCurrentPose2d() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getCurrentPosition() - Method in class
- getCurrentPositionValue() - Method in class
- getCurrentRotation() - Method in class
Gets current angle as a Rotation2d
- getCurrentState() - Method in class
Gets the current state of the module, in METRIC UNITS.
- getCurrentValue() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- getCurrentValue() - Method in class
Gets current velocity in meters per second
- getCurrentValue() - Method in class
Gets current angle in degrees
- getCurrentVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getD() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getDeadband() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider
Get the deadband value.
- getDeltaAngleToRabbit(FieldPose, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getDerivativeThreshold() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getDescription() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger
- getDesiredHeading() - Method in class
- getDesiredHeading() - Method in interface
- getDeviceId() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- getDeviceId() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- getDeviceId() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- getDeviceId() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- getDevicePitch() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDevicePitch() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceRawAccelX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceRawAccelX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceRawAccelY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceRawAccelY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceRawAccelZ() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceRawAccelZ() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceRoll() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceRoll() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceVelocityX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceVelocityX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceVelocityY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceVelocityY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceVelocityZ() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceVelocityZ() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceYaw() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceYaw() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- getDeviceYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- getDeviceYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
Note: this is in degrees per second.
- getDigitalInputFactory(MockDigitalInput.MockDigitalInputFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getDigitalInputFactory(DigitalInputWPIAdapter.DigitalInputWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getDigitalOutputFactory(MockDigitalOutput.MockDigitalOutputFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getDigitalOutputFactory(DigitalOutputWPIAdapter.DigitalOutputWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getDisableCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Gets a command to disable the compressor.
- getDistance() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensor
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor
- getDistance() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.DistanceSensor
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.EncoderWPIAdapter
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- getDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- getDistanceAlongPoseLine(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getDistanceToCenter(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
Gets the distance between the center of this obstacle and a given point.
- getDistanceToLineFromPoint(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getDistanceToPoint(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Get the distance between the current point and a second point.
- getDistCoeffs() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- getDistCoeffsRaw() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- getDouble(String) - Method in class
- getDouble(String) - Method in interface
Reads a numeric property value.
- getDouble(String) - Method in class
- getDouble(String) - Method in class
- getDouble(String) - Method in class
- getDoubleSolenoidMode() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- getDriveMotor(SwerveInstance) - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XSwerveDriveElectricalContract
Returns the
for the drive motor for the givenSwerveInstance
. - getDrivePidEnabled() - Method in class
- getDriveSubsystem() - Method in class
- getDutyCycleEncoderFactory(MockDutyCycleEncoder.MockDutyCycleEncoderFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getDutyCycleEncoderFactory(DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getEnableCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Gets a command to enable the compressor.
- getEnableDerivativeThreshold() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getEnableErrorThreshold() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getEnableTimeThreshold() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getEnableTypeString() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- getEncoder() - Method in class
- getEncoderFactory(MockEncoder.MockEncoderFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getEncoderFactory(EncoderWPIAdapter.EncoderWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getErrorMagnitude() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
- getErrorMagnitude() - Method in class
- getErrorMagnitude() - Method in class
- getErrorThreshold() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getErrorWithinTolerance() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Performs a simple difference between goal and target in order to see if we are close.
- getF() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getFieldOrientedTotalDistanceTraveled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getFieldPoseOffsetBy(FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
Returns a FieldPose that's "subtracted" by the offset FieldPose.
- getForwardCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Gets a command to drive the motor in the forward direction.
- getFPGATimestamp() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockTimer
Return the system clock time in seconds.
- getFPGATimestamp() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.TimerWpiAdapter
- getFPGATimestamp() - Static method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimer
Returns the current time in seconds since the FPGA was powered on.
- getFPGATimestamp() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimerImpl
- getFrontLeftSwerveModuleSubsystem() - Method in class
- getFrontRightSwerveModuleSubsystem() - Method in class
- getFTCGamepadFactory(MockFTCGamepad.MockFTCGamepadFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockControlsModule
- getFTCGamepadFactory(FTCGamepadWpiAdapter.FTCGamepadWpiAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealControlsModule
- getGenericHID() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getGenericHID() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- getGenericHID() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- getGenericHID() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- getGenericHID() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- getGenericHID() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getGenericHID() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getGoalPoint() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarEngine
- getGoalVector(Pose2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- getGroundTruthPose() - Method in interface xbot.common.subsystems.pose.SimulatedPositionSupplier
- getGyroFactory(MockGyro.MockGyroFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getGyroFactory(InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getHeading() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
In degrees
- getHeading() - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getHeadingPIDDefaults() - Method in class
Returns the default PID values for the heading PID.
- getHeadingResetRecently() - Method in interface
- getHeadingResetRecently() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getHealth() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- getHealth_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- getHealth_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- getHealth_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- getHumanInput() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Gets the human input to use for the maintain command.
- getHumanInput() - Method in class
- getHumanInput() - Method in class
- getHumanInputMagnitude() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Gets the magnitude of the human input to use for the maintain command, since the generic type T may not be a number.
- getHumanInputMagnitude() - Method in class
- getHumanInputMagnitude() - Method in class
- getI() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getifAvailable(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getifAvailable(XXboxController.XboxButton) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getIMask() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- getImuType() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- getInjectorComponent() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
Get the dependency injection component
- getInjectorComponent() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
- getInjectorComponent() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- getInputVariables() - Method in class xbot.common.math.DoubleInterpolator
- getInternalDevice() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- getInterpolatedOutputVariable(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.DoubleInterpolator
- getIntersectionAveragePoint(Translation2d, Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
Finds the two intersection points of a line that passes through this obstacle, and averages them together.
- getInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- getInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedTrigger
- getInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.InvertingBooleanSupplier
- getInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput
- getIsDefault() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- getIsForward() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- getIsOff() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- getIsReverse() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- getIsRumbling() - Method in class
- getIsRumbling() - Method in interface
Gets the current rumble state.
- getIsStableValidator() - Method in class
Get the time stable validator.
- getIsStalled(double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector
- getIZone() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getJoystickFactory(MockJoystick.MockJoystickFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockControlsModule
- getJoystickFactory(JoystickWPIAdapter.JoystickWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealControlsModule
- getKeyPoints() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- getLabel() - Method in class
- getLabel() - Method in class
- getLastResult() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- getLatestTargetObservation(int) - Method in class
Returns the latest target observation.
- getLeftDriveDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getLeftDriveDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.MockBasePoseSubsystem
- getLeftFieldOrientedVector() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- getLeftFieldOrientedVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getLeftFieldOrientedVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftJoystickXAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getLeftJoystickYAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getLeftRawTriggerAxis() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getLeftRawTriggerAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getLeftRawTriggerAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftRawX() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getLeftRawX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getLeftRawX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftRawY() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getLeftRawY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getLeftRawY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftStickX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftStickY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftTotalDistance() - Method in class
Returns the total distance tracked by the encoder - On the LEFT side of the robot - Pointing in the direction of +Y travel
- getLeftTotalDistance() - Method in class
- getLeftTotalDistance() - Method in class
- getLeftTrigger() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- getLeftTrigger() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getLeftTrigger() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLeftTriggerAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getLeftVector() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- getLeftVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getLeftVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getLevel() - Method in class
- getLidarLiteFactory(MockLidarLite.MockLidarLiteFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getLidarLiteFactory(LidarLiteWpiAdapter.LidarLiteWpiAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getLineIntersectionPoint(Translation2d, Translation2d, Translation2d, Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
Calculates the intersection point of two line segments.
- getLineIntersectionPoint(Line2D.Double, Line2D.Double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- getLookAtPointActive() - Method in interface
- getLookAtPointTarget() - Method in interface
- getLoops() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarEngine
- getLowerBound() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- getMagnetOffset() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
Gets the magnet offset configured on the encoder device.
- getMagnitude() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Get the magnitude of the vector (i.e.
- getMatchContextString() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- getMatchTime() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockTimer
- getMatchTime() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.TimerWpiAdapter
- getMatchTime() - Static method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimer
- getMatchTime() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimerImpl
- getMaxOutput() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- getMaxOutput(XYPair, double) - Method in class
Determine the largest commanded output for a given wheel for a given translation/rotation input.
- getMaxSupportedChannel() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid
- getMaxSupportedChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SolenoidWPIAdapter
- getMaxSupportedChannel() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- getMaxTargetSpeedMetersPerSecond() - Method in class
- getMaxTargetTurnRate() - Method in class
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarVisualizationPanel
- getMinOutput() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- getModuleTranslation() - Method in class
- getMotionBudget() - Method in class
- getMotorController() - Method in class
- getMotorController() - Method in class
- getMotorControllerEncoderPosition() - Method in class
Gets the reported position of the encoder on the NEO motor.
- getMotorControllerFactory(MockCANMotorController.MockCANMotorControllerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getMotorControllerFactory(XCANMotorControllerFactoryImpl) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getName() - Method in class
Get the name of the camera.
- getName() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- getNavXReady() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getNumberOfCrashes() - Method in class xbot.common.command.XScheduler
- getObstacles() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.LowResField
- getOffTargetReason() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Returns an enum explaining the reason the PID is not on target.
- getOffTargetReason() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- getOriginalPoints() - Method in class
- getOriginalPoints() - Method in class
- getOutputVariables() - Method in class xbot.common.math.DoubleInterpolator
- getP() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getParallelCrossingType(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- getPerpendicularHeadingTowardsPoint(FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getPitch() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- getPlannedPointsToVisit() - Method in class
If you want to see where this command is heading in the future (for visualization purposes, perhaps) you can get that information here.
- getPoint() - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getPointAlongPoseClosestToPoint(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getPointAlongPoseLine(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
Projects along the line created by the X,Y pair and the Heading.
- getPointProjectionCombination(Translation2d, Translation2d, Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- getPort() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getPose() - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPosePropertyManager
- getPoseAtTime(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.InterpolatingFieldPoseBuffer
- getPoseEstimator() - Method in class
Get the pose estimator.
- getPoseRelativeDisplacement(FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- getPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- getPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
Gets the current position of the motor output shaft.
- getPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- getPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- getPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- getPosition_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- getPosition_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- getPosition_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- getPositionalPid() - Method in class
- getPositionalPid() - Method in class
- getPositionalPid() - Method in class
- getPositionalPIDDefaults() - Method in class
Returns the default PID values for the positional PID.
- getPositionMaintainerXTarget() - Method in class
- getPositionOffset() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- getPositionOffset() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- getPOV() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getPOV() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- getPOV() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- getPOV() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- getPOV() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- getPOV() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getPOV() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getPovIfAvailable(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
Uses the d-pad as a button source.
- getPower() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- getPower() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- getPower() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- getPower() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- getPower() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- getPowerDistributionPanelFactory(MockPowerDistributionPanel.MockPowerDistributionPanelFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getPowerDistributionPanelFactory(PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapaterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarVisualizationPanel
- getPrefix() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- getPrefix() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- getPrefix() - Method in interface
- getPrefix() - Method in class
Gets the prefix for all properties created by this factory.
- getPrefix() - Method in class
- getPrefix() - Method in class
- getPrefix() - Method in class
- getProgramName() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- getPursuitMode() - Method in class
- getPursuitMode() - Method in class
- getPwmFactory(MockPWM.MockPWMFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getPwmFactory(PWMWPIAdapter.PWMWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getRabbitPose(XYPair, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getRate() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- getRate() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.EncoderWPIAdapter
- getRate() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- getRaw() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- getRaw() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- getRaw() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getRawAxis(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getRearLeftSwerveModuleSubsystem() - Method in class
- getRearRightSwerveModuleSubsystem() - Method in class
- getRecommendedMode(double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider
Gets the recommended mode based on the human input.
- getRelayFactory(MockRelay.MockRelayFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getRelayFactory(RelayWPIAdapter.RelayWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getResolvedKeyPoints() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- getReverseCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Gets a command to drive the motor in the reverse direction.
- getRightDriveDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getRightDriveDistance() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.MockBasePoseSubsystem
- getRightFieldOrientedVector() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- getRightFieldOrientedVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getRightFieldOrientedVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightJoystickXAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getRightJoystickYAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getRightRawTriggerAxis() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getRightRawTriggerAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getRightRawTriggerAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightRawX() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getRightRawX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getRightRawX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightRawY() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getRightRawY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- getRightRawY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightStickX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightStickY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightTotalDistance() - Method in class
Returns the total distance tracked by the encoder - On the RIGHT side of the robot - Pointing in the direction of +Y travel
- getRightTotalDistance() - Method in class
- getRightTotalDistance() - Method in class
- getRightTrigger() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- getRightTrigger() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getRightTrigger() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRightTriggerAxis() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getRightVector() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- getRightVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- getRightVector() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRobotOrientedTotalDistanceTraveled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
Returns the distance the robot has traveled forward.
- getRobotPitch() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getRobotPose() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarEngine
- getRobotRoll() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getRobotYaw() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
If the RoboRIO is mounted in a position other than "flat" (e.g.
- getRoll() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- getRotateDecayPid() - Method in class
- getRotateDecayPid() - Method in class
- getRotateDecayPid() - Method in class
- getRotateToHeadingPid() - Method in class
- getRotateToHeadingPid() - Method in class
- getRotateToHeadingPid() - Method in class
- getRotation2d() - Method in interface xbot.common.trajectory.ProvidesInterpolationData
- getRotation2d() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- getRumbleManager() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- getRumbleManager() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getRumbleManager() - Method in interface
- getRumbleManagerFactory(RumbleManager.RumbleManagerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockControlsModule
- getRumbleManagerFactory(RumbleManager.RumbleManagerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealControlsModule
- getSchema() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- getSecondsForSegment() - Method in interface xbot.common.trajectory.ProvidesInterpolationData
- getSecondsForSegment() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- getSensorA() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensorPair
- getSensorA() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.DistanceSensorPair
- getSensorA() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.MultiplexedLidarPair
- getSensorB() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensorPair
- getSensorB() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.DistanceSensorPair
- getSensorB() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.MultiplexedLidarPair
- getServoFactory(MockServo.MockServoFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getServoFactory(ServoWPIAdapter.ServoWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getSetpointLock() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- getSetpointLock() - Method in interface xbot.common.command.SupportsSetpointLock
- getSigned() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- getSigned() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- getSigned() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
- getSimulatedFieldPose() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getSimulationData() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid
- getSimulationData() - Method in interface xbot.common.simulation.ISimulatableMotor
- getSimulationData() - Method in interface xbot.common.simulation.ISimulatableSolenoid
- getSize() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- getSolenoidFactory(MockSolenoid.MockSolenoidFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getSolenoidFactory(SolenoidWPIAdapter.SolenoidWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getSpeedControllerFactory(MockSpeedController.MockSpeedControllerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getSpeedControllerFactory(SpeedControllerWPIAdapter.SpeedControllerWPIAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- getStaticHeadingActive() - Method in interface
- getStaticHeadingTarget() - Method in interface
- getSteeringEncoder(SwerveInstance) - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XSwerveDriveElectricalContract
Returns the
for the steering encoder for the givenSwerveInstance
. - getSteeringMotor(SwerveInstance) - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XSwerveDriveElectricalContract
Returns the
for the steering motor for the givenSwerveInstance
. - getSteeringSubsystem() - Method in class
- getStopCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Gets a command to stop the motor.
- getString(String) - Method in class
- getString(String) - Method in interface
Reads a string property value.
- getString(String) - Method in class
- getString(String) - Method in class
- getString(String) - Method in class
- getSuggestedRotationValue(XYPair, double) - Method in class
- getSupplier() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonConfiguration
Supplier indicates whether the analog value is in the button's range
- getSwerveDriveKinematics() - Method in class
- getSwerveModuleOffsetsInInches(SwerveInstance) - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XSwerveDriveElectricalContract
Returns the offset from the center of the robot as an
for the givenSwerveInstance
. - getSwerveModuleStates() - Method in class
- getTargetState() - Method in class
- getTargetValue() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- getTargetValue() - Method in class
Gets target velocity in inches per second
- getTargetValue() - Method in class
Gets target angle in degrees
- getTargetX(int) - Method in class
Returns the X angle to the best target, which can be used for simple servoing with vision.
- getTimeThreshold() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- getTranslation2d() - Method in interface xbot.common.trajectory.ProvidesInterpolationData
- getTranslation2d() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- getTransverseDistance() - Method in class
Returns the total distance tracked by the encoder - In the center of the robot - Pointing in the direction of +X travel
- getTransverseDistance() - Method in class
- getTransverseDistance() - Method in class
- getTravelVector() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getTypeClass() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- getTypeName() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- getTypeString() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- getUnderlyingPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- getUnderlyingPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- getUnsigned() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- getUnsigned() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- getUnsigned() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
- getUntrimmedPitch() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getUntrimmedRoll() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getUpperBound() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- getUsesNegativeRange() - Method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- getValAtTime(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.InterpolatingHistoryBuffer
Returns the value at a given time, linearlly interpolated.
- getValue() - Method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType
- getValue() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- getValue() - Method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- getValue() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- getVectorForAxisPair(int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- getVectorToRabbit(FieldPose, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- getVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- getVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- getVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
Gets the angular velocity of the motor output shaft.
- getVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- getVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- getVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarEngine
- getVelocity() - Method in class
- getVelocity_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- getVelocity_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- getVelocity_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- getVelocityMaintainerXTarget() - Method in class
- getVoltage() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- getVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- getVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- getVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- getVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- getVoltage() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput
- getWPIDigitalOutput() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- getWrappedPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- getX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- getX() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- getXboxButton(XXboxController.XboxButton) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- getXboxControllerFactory(MockXboxControllerAdapter.MockXboxControllerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockControlsModule
- getXboxControllerFactory(XboxControllerWpiAdapter.XboxControllerWpiAdapterFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealControlsModule
- getY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.FTCGamepadWpiAdapter
- getY() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- getYIntercept(double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.DoubleInterpolator
- getZeromqListenerFactory(MockZeromqListener.MockZeromqListenerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- getZeromqListenerFactory(ZeromqListener.ZeromqListenerFactory) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- goal - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- gravityFeedForward() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - gyroFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- handlePlatformException(RuntimeException) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.LoudRobotAssertionManager
- handlePlatformException(RuntimeException) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- handlePlatformException(RuntimeException) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.SilentRobotAssertionManager
- handleSimulatorPose(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- hasChangedSinceLastCheck() - Method in class
- hasChangedSinceLastCheck(Consumer<Double>) - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- hashCode() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveInstance
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hasResetOccurred - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANCoderInputs
- hasResetOccurred() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
- hasResetOccurred_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- hasResetOccurred_internal() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- HeadingAssistModule - Class in
Encaspulates a useful bit of driving logic: - The robot should attempt to hold its current heading, even if it's temporarily rotated by outside forces.
- HeadingAssistModule(HeadingModule, HeadingModule, String, PropertyFactory, BasePoseSubsystem) - Constructor for class
- HeadingAssistModule.HeadingAssistMode - Enum Class in
- HeadingAssistModule.HeadingAssistModuleFactory - Class in
- headingAssistModuleFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- HeadingAssistModuleFactory() - Constructor for class
- headingModule - Variable in class
- headingModule - Variable in class
- HeadingModule - Class in
Encapsulates the logic needed to rotate the robot to a specific angle.
- HeadingModule(PIDManager, BasePoseSubsystem, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class
- HeadingModule.HeadingModuleFactory - Class in
- headingModuleFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- HeadingModuleFactory() - Constructor for class
- headingOffset - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- HeadingOnly - Enum constant in enum class
- Healthy - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.resiliency.DeviceHealth
- HoldOrientation - Enum constant in enum class
- HumanControl - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode
- humanControlAction() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
The human control action.
- HumanControlHeadingPower - Enum constant in enum class
- HumanVsMachineDecider - Class in xbot.common.logic
Decides whether to use human or machine control of a subsystem.
- HumanVsMachineDecider(String, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider
Creates a new decider with the given prefix.
- HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory - Class in xbot.common.logic
Factory for creating a new decider.
- HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode - Enum Class in xbot.common.logic
- humanVsMachineDeciderFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory
- i - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- i() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - i() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - i2c - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.InterfaceType
- I2C - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- id() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
Returns the value of the
record component. - IGamepad - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- Important - Enum constant in enum class
- imu - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- IMU - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- imuType - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- IN_MEMORY_STORE_NAME - Static variable in class
- INCHES_IN_A_METER - Static variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- includeOnSmartDashboard() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- includeOnSmartDashboard(String) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- incrementDistance(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensor
- InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter(DevicePolice, XGyro.InterfaceType) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- InertialMeasurementUnitAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapterFactory
- info - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- INFO - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger.LogLevel
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- ingestSimulationData(JSONObject) - Method in interface xbot.common.simulation.ISimulatableSensor
- inherentRioPitch - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- inherentRioRoll - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseWaitForMaintainerCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.command.DelayViaSupplierCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.command.NamedRunCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.command.SetTargetCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.command.SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.ResetSimulatorPositionCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.SetAutonomousCommand
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.ResetDistanceCommand
- initialize() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- initialize(ProvidesInterpolationData) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator
- InitializeMachineControl - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode
- initializeMachineControlAction() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
The initialize machine control action.
- initializeSystems() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- injectorComponent - Variable in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- inMemoryRandomAccessStore - Variable in class
- inMemoryTableProxy() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- input - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor
- inputs - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- inputs - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- inputsUnhealthy - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- insert(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.InterpolatingHistoryBuffer
Insert a new value into the buffer.
- insert(FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.math.InterpolatingFieldPoseBuffer
- IntermittentConsoleLogger - Class in xbot.common.logging
- IntermittentConsoleLogger() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logging.IntermittentConsoleLogger
- InterpolatingFieldPoseBuffer - Class in xbot.common.math
- InterpolatingFieldPoseBuffer(FieldPose) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.InterpolatingFieldPoseBuffer
- InterpolatingHistoryBuffer - Class in xbot.common.math
- InterpolatingHistoryBuffer(int, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.InterpolatingHistoryBuffer
This class implements a set of circular buffers that can be used to store values of signals in the past, and retrieve values at arbitrary previous time indexes.
- InterpolationResult(Translation2d, boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- InterpolationResult(Translation2d, boolean, Rotation2d) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- InterpolationResult(Translation2d, boolean, Rotation2d, Translation2d) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- InterpolationResult(Translation2d, boolean, Rotation2d, Translation2d, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- InterpolationResult(Translation2d, boolean, Rotation2d, Translation2d, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- InterpolationResult(Translation2d, boolean, Rotation2d, Translation2d, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- inversionFactor() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- inversionType - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- inverted - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- inverted - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- inverted - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- Inverted - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.InversionType
- InvertingBooleanSupplier - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- InvertingBooleanSupplier(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.InvertingBooleanSupplier
- io - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- IPropertySupport - Interface in
- IRumbler - Interface in
- isAtTargetPressure() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor
- isAtTargetPressure() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter
- isAtTargetPressure() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor
Gets whether the compressor is at its target pressure.
- isBroken() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- isBroken() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- isBroken() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- isCalibrated() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- isCalibrated() - Method in class
- isCalibrated() - Method in class
- isCameraWorking() - Method in class
Check if the camera is working.
- isCollectorRotationActive() - Method in class
- isConnected - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- isConnected - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XGyroIoInputs
- isConnected() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- isConnected() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- isConnected() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- isConnectedAkitCompatible() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- isDebug() - Method in class
- isDriveReady() - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.XSwerveDriveElectricalContract
Returns true if the drive is ready to be used.
- isEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor
- isEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CompressorWPIAdapter
- isEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor
Get if the compressor is currently enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
Gets whether the compressor is enabled.
- isExceptionsEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.logging.LoudRobotAssertionManager
- isExceptionsEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- isExceptionsEnabled() - Method in class xbot.common.logging.SilentRobotAssertionManager
- isExtremePrecisionTranslationActive() - Method in class
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseWaitForMaintainerCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.command.DelayViaSupplierCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.command.SetTargetCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.command.SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.ResetSimulatorPositionCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.SetAutonomousCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class
- isFinished() - Method in class
- isFinished() - Method in class
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.ResetDistanceCommand
- isFinished() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- isForwardLimitSwitchPressed - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- isGamePieceRotationActive() - Method in class
- ISimulatableMotor - Interface in xbot.common.simulation
- ISimulatableSensor - Interface in xbot.common.simulation
- ISimulatableSolenoid - Interface in xbot.common.simulation
- isInverted - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- isInverted - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- isInverted - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- isInverted - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- isInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- isInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- isInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- isInverted() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- isMaintainerAtGoal() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Checks if the subsystem is at its goal.
- isMaintainerAtGoal() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- isManualBalanceModeActive() - Method in class
- isMotorControllerDriftTooHigh(Angle, Angle, double) - Static method in class
- isNavXReady - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- isOnFinalLeg - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- isOnFinalPoint - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- isOnTarget() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
- isOnTarget() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
Determines if you are on target.
- isOnTarget() - Method in class
- isOnTarget(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- isPrecisionRotationActive() - Method in class
- isPrecisionTranslationActive() - Method in class
- isQuickAlignActive() - Method in class
- isReverseLimitSwitchPressed - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- isRobotOrientedDriveActive() - Method in class
- isRotateToHubActive() - Method in class
- isSetToDefault() - Method in class
- isSetToDefault() - Method in class
- isSetToDefault() - Method in class
Checks if the property's current value matches the default.
- isSetToDefault() - Method in class
- isUnlockFullDrivePowerActive() - Method in class
- isUsingMotorControllerPid() - Method in class
Gets a flag indicating whether we are using the motor controller's PID or software PID.
- ISwerveAdvisorDriveSupport - Interface in
- ISwerveAdvisorPoseSupport - Interface in
- ITableProxy - Interface in
This interface defines a simple table interface, where you can set and retrieve values.
- iZone() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component.
- joystickButtonFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- joystickFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- JoystickWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- JoystickWPIAdapter(int, int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter
- JoystickWPIAdapter.JoystickWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- JoystickWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.JoystickWPIAdapter.JoystickWPIAdapterFactory
- key - Variable in class
The key for the property.
- keyPose - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- kick() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.WatchdogTimer
- kThrottleDeadband - Static variable in class
- label() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveInstance
Returns the value of the
record component. - lastErrorId - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- lastRawCommandedDirection - Variable in class
- lastRawCommandedRotation - Variable in class
- lastSetHeadingTime - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- lastTargetValueUsedforAtGoal - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- Latch - Class in xbot.common.logic
Logical switch which consumes booleans and signals when the given value changes.
- Latch(boolean, Latch.EdgeType) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.Latch
Creates a new latch.
- Latch(boolean, Latch.EdgeType, Consumer<Latch.EdgeType>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.Latch
Creates a new latch with a callback.
- Latch.EdgeType - Enum Class in xbot.common.logic
- latestTargetObservation - Variable in class
- latestTargetObservation - Variable in class
- LeftAndRight - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType
- LeftBumper - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- leftDriveDistance - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- LeftJoystickYAxisNegative - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- LeftJoystickYAxisPositive - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- LeftStick - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- leftTank - Variable in class
- leftTotalDistance - Variable in class
- LeftTrigger - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- leftXInversion - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- leftYInversion - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- lerpFraction - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- level - Variable in class
- lidar_address - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- lidar_config_register - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- lidar_distance_register - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- lidarLiteFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- LidarLiteWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- LidarLiteWpiAdapter(I2C.Port, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.LidarLiteWpiAdapter
- LidarLiteWpiAdapter.LidarLiteWpiAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- LidarLiteWpiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.LidarLiteWpiAdapter.LidarLiteWpiAdapterFactory
- lineSeperator - Variable in class
Permanent storage line seperator
- log - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- log - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- log - Variable in class xbot.common.command.NamedRunCommand
- log - Static variable in class
- log - Variable in class
- log - Variable in class
- LoggingLatch - Class in xbot.common.logging
- LoggingLatch(String, String, Latch.EdgeType) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logging.LoggingLatch
- logic - Variable in class
- LogicUtils - Class in xbot.common.logic
Utility methods for working with logic.
- LogicUtils() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.LogicUtils
- logSometimes(String) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.IntermittentConsoleLogger
- loops - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- LoudRobotAssertionManager - Class in xbot.common.logging
Version of RobotAssertionManager that allows exceptions to be thrown.
- LoudRobotAssertionManager() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logging.LoudRobotAssertionManager
- LowResField - Class in xbot.common.trajectory
Represents a simple version of the field, with Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes representing no-go zones due to obstacles.
- LowResField() - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.LowResField
- MachineControl - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode
- Macro - Enum constant in enum class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarTestVisualizer
- maintain() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Contains all the logic associated with keeping the subsystem at its goal.
- MathUtils - Class in xbot.common.math
- MathUtils() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- maxOutput() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxOutput() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxPower - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- MEGATAG_1 - Enum constant in enum class
- MEGATAG_2 - Enum constant in enum class
- Micro - Enum constant in enum class
- minOutput() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - minOutput() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - minPower - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- mock - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.ImuType
- MockAbsoluteEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockAbsoluteEncoder(DeviceInfo, String, DevicePolice, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- MockAbsoluteEncoder.MockAbsoluteEncoderFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockAbsoluteEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder.MockAbsoluteEncoderFactory
- MockAnalogInput - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockAnalogInput(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- MockAnalogInput.MockAnalogInputFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockAnalogInputFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput.MockAnalogInputFactory
- MockAprilTagVisionIO - Class in
Mock AprilTagVisionIO implementation.
- MockAprilTagVisionIO(String, Transform3d) - Constructor for class
- MockAprilTagVisionIO.FactoryImpl - Class in
- MockBasePoseSubsystem - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.pose
- MockBasePoseSubsystem(XGyro.XGyroFactory, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.MockBasePoseSubsystem
- MockCANCoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockCANCoder(DeviceInfo, String, DevicePolice, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- MockCANCoder.MockCANCoderFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockCANCoderFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder.MockCANCoderFactory
- MockCANMotorController - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
- MockCANMotorController(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- MockCANMotorController.MockCANMotorControllerFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
- MockCANMotorControllerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController.MockCANMotorControllerFactory
- MockCompressor - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
- MockCompressor() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor
- MockCompressor.MockCompressorFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
- MockCompressorFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCompressor.MockCompressorFactory
- MockControlsModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module for mapping control device interfaces to mock implementations.
- MockControlsModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockControlsModule
- MockDevicesModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module for mapping device interfaces to mock implementations.
- MockDevicesModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.MockDevicesModule
- MockDigitalInput - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockDigitalInput(DeviceInfo, String, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- MockDigitalInput.MockDigitalInputFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockDigitalInputFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput.MockDigitalInputFactory
- MockDigitalOutput - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockDigitalOutput(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- MockDigitalOutput.MockDigitalOutputFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockDigitalOutputFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput.MockDigitalOutputFactory
- MockDistanceSensor - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockDistanceSensor() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensor
- MockDistanceSensorPair - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockDistanceSensorPair() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensorPair
- MockDriveSubsystem - Class in
- MockDriveSubsystem(XCANMotorController.XCANMotorControllerFactory, PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory) - Constructor for class
- MockDutyCycleEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockDutyCycleEncoder(DeviceInfo, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockDutyCycleEncoder
- MockDutyCycleEncoder.MockDutyCycleEncoderFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockDutyCycleEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockDutyCycleEncoder.MockDutyCycleEncoderFactory
- MockEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockEncoder(String, int, int, double, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- MockEncoder(String, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- MockEncoder.MockEncoderFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder.MockEncoderFactory
- MockFTCGamepad - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockFTCGamepad(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- MockFTCGamepad.MockFTCGamepadFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockFTCGamepadFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad.MockFTCGamepadFactory
- MockGyro - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockGyro(DevicePolice, XGyro.InterfaceType) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- MockGyro.MockGyroFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockGyroFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro.MockGyroFactory
- MockJoystick - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockJoystick(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- MockJoystick.MockJoystickFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockJoystickFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick.MockJoystickFactory
- MockLidarLite - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockLidarLite(I2C.Port, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockLidarLite
- MockLidarLite.MockLidarLiteFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockLidarLiteFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockLidarLite.MockLidarLiteFactory
- MockPermanentStorage - Class in
- MockPermanentStorage() - Constructor for class
- MockPowerDistributionPanel - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockPowerDistributionPanel() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPowerDistributionPanel
- MockPowerDistributionPanel.MockPowerDistributionPanelFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockPowerDistributionPanelFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPowerDistributionPanel.MockPowerDistributionPanelFactory
- MockPWM - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockPWM(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- MockPWM.MockPWMFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockPWMFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM.MockPWMFactory
- MockRelay - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
- MockRelay(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockRelay
- MockRelay.MockRelayFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
- MockRelayFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockRelay.MockRelayFactory
- MockServo - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockServo(int, String, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockServo
- MockServo.MockServoFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockServoFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockServo.MockServoFactory
- MockSmartDashboardCommandPutter - Class in xbot.common.command
- MockSmartDashboardCommandPutter() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.MockSmartDashboardCommandPutter
- MockSolenoid - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockSolenoid(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid
- MockSolenoid.MockSolenoidFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockSolenoidFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid.MockSolenoidFactory
- MockSparkAbsoluteEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
- MockSparkAbsoluteEncoder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- MockSpeedController - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockSpeedController(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSpeedController
- MockSpeedController.MockSpeedControllerFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockSpeedControllerFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSpeedController.MockSpeedControllerFactory
- MockTimer - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockTimer() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockTimer
- MockXboxControllerAdapter - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockXboxControllerAdapter(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, XRumbleManager.XRumbleManagerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- MockXboxControllerAdapter.MockXboxControllerFactory - Class in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj
- MockXboxControllerFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter.MockXboxControllerFactory
- MockZeromqListener - Class in xbot.common.networking
- MockZeromqListener(String, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.networking.MockZeromqListener
- MockZeromqListener.MockZeromqListenerFactory - Class in xbot.common.networking
- MockZeromqListenerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.networking.MockZeromqListener.MockZeromqListenerFactory
- monitor - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- motorControllerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- MotorControllerType - Enum Class in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- move(XYPair, double) - Method in class
- move(XYPair, double) - Method in class
Set the target movement speed and rotation, rotating around the center of the robot.
- move(XYPair, double) - Method in class
- move(XYPair, double, XYPair) - Method in class
Set the target movement speed and rotation, with an arbitrary center of rotation.
- movePointOutsideOfBounds(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- MovingAverage<T> - Class in xbot.common.math
- MovingAverage(MovingAverage.SumFunction<T>, T, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.MovingAverage
- MovingAverage.SumFunction<T> - Interface in xbot.common.math
- MovingAverageForDouble - Class in xbot.common.math
- MovingAverageForDouble(int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.MovingAverageForDouble
- MovingAverageForTranslation2d - Class in xbot.common.math
- MovingAverageForTranslation2d(int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.MovingAverageForTranslation2d
- MultiplexedLidarPair - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- MultiplexedLidarPair(I2C.Port, byte, byte, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.MultiplexedLidarPair
- name - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
- name - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- name - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- name() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - NamedInstantCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
Convenience wrapper of InstantCommand that allows setting a human readable name for smartdashboard/logging readability.
- NamedInstantCommand(String, Runnable, Subsystem...) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.NamedInstantCommand
- NamedRunCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
- NamedRunCommand(String, Runnable, Subsystem...) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.NamedRunCommand
- nav6 - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.ImuType
- navX - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.ImuType
- networkTablesName() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - neutralMode - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- next() - Method in enum class
- None - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType
- Normal - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.InversionType
- NOT_STALLED - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallState
- NotRelevant - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
- NotTimeStable - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
- obliterateStorage() - Method in class
- Obstacle - Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- Obstacle(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
Creates an obstacle, represented by an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box.
- Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType - Enum Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination - Enum Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- OFF - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode
- OffTargetNotConfigured - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
- on - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid
- onFalse(Command) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- onNewStep(PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState) - Method in interface xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.AsyncLinearIntervalJob
- OnTarget - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
- onTrue(Command) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- org.photonvision - package org.photonvision
- outputConfig() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - outputCurrent - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- p - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- p() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - p() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - pack(ByteBuffer, XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarVisualizationPanel
- peekStable() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Checks if the value has been stable for the entire stable window duration, but without updating the internal state of the validator.
- periodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
This method is called on each
loop. - periodic() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- periodic() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.compressor.CompressorSubsystem
- periodic() - Method in class
- periodic() - Method in class
- periodic() - Method in class
- periodic() - Method in class
- periodic() - Method in interface
Called periodically to update the rumble state.
- periodic() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- periodic() - Method in class
- periodMultiplier - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- permanentStorage() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- PermanentStorage - Interface in
- permanentStore - Variable in class
- perpindicularRatioProp - Variable in class
- Persistent - Enum constant in enum class
- pf - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
- pf - Variable in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- PhotonCameraExtended - Class in org.photonvision
- PhotonCameraExtended(NetworkTableInstance, String, String) - Constructor for class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- PhotonCameraExtended(String, String) - Constructor for class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- PhotonCameraExtendedInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- PhotonCameraExtendedInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- PHOTONVISION - Enum constant in enum class
- PID - Class in xbot.common.math
This PID was extracted from WPILib.
- PID() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PID
- PID.OffTargetReason - Enum Class in xbot.common.math
- PIDDefaults - Record Class in xbot.common.math
This class is used to define the default values for a PID controller.
- PIDDefaults() - Constructor for record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
- PIDDefaults(double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
- PIDDefaults(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
- PIDDefaults(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
- PIDDefaults(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
- PIDDefaults(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Creates an instance of a
record class. - pidFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- pidGet() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- PIDManager - Class in xbot.common.math
Wrapper for PID class which automatically puts the P, I and D values on the SmartDashboard.
- PIDManager(String, PropertyFactory, RobotAssertionManager, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory - Class in xbot.common.math
- PIDManagerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory
- PIDPropertyManager - Class in xbot.common.math
- PIDPropertyManager(String, PropertyFactory, RobotAssertionManager, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- PIDPropertyManager.PIDPropertyManagerFactory - Class in xbot.common.math
- pidPropertyManagerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- PIDPropertyManagerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager.PIDPropertyManagerFactory
- pipelineResults - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- pipelineResultTimestamps - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- pitch - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XGyroIoInputs
- PlanarEngine - Class in xbot.common.math
- PlanarEngine() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PlanarEngine
- PlanarTestVisualizer - Class in xbot.common.math
- PlanarTestVisualizer(List<RabbitPoint>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PlanarTestVisualizer
- PlanarVisualizationPanel - Class in xbot.common.math
- PlanarVisualizationPanel() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PlanarVisualizationPanel
- PlanarVisualizationPanel(int, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PlanarVisualizationPanel
- plannedVector - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult
- pointIndex - Variable in class
- pointType - Variable in class
- port - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- port - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- pose - Variable in class
- pose - Variable in class
- pose() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - PoseObservation(double, Pose3d, double, int, double, AprilTagVisionIO.PoseObservationType) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - poseObservations - Variable in class
- poseObservations - Variable in class
- poseSubsystem - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.ResetDistanceCommand
- poseSubsystem - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- poseSubsystem() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- poseSystem - Variable in class
- position - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XAbsoluteEncoderInputs
- position - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- position() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - positionalPid - Variable in class
- PositionAndHeading - Enum constant in enum class
- PositionOnly - Enum constant in enum class
- POV - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick.ButtonSource
- povButtonFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- powerDistributionPanelFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapaterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapaterFactory
- PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter
- PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapter.PowerDistributionPanelWPIAdapaterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- PreferenceStorage - Class in
This saves properties to the robot using WPI's built-in Preferences library.
- PreferenceStorage() - Constructor for class
- prefix - Variable in class
- pressButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- pressButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- previousLeftDistance - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- previousRightDistance - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- properties - Variable in class
- Property - Class in
There are many values on the robot that we want to configure on the fly as well as persist once we're happy with the result.
- Property(String, String, XPropertyManager) - Constructor for class
Creates a new property.
- Property(String, String, XPropertyManager, Property.PropertyLevel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new property.
- Property.PropertyLevel - Enum Class in
- Property.PropertyPersistenceType - Enum Class in
Enum to determine property persistence Ephemeral properties will not be saved or loaded from a persistent storage.
- propertyDelimiter - Variable in class
Permanent storage property storage delimiter
- propertyFactory - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- propertyFactory - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
- propertyFactory - Variable in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- propertyFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- PropertyFactory - Class in
A factory for creating properties.
- propertyManager - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- propertyManager() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- ProvidesInterpolationData - Interface in xbot.common.trajectory
- ProvidesWaypoints - Interface in xbot.common.trajectory
- PurePursuitCommand - Class in
- PurePursuitCommand(HeadingModule.HeadingModuleFactory, BasePoseSubsystem, BaseDriveSubsystem, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class
An implementation of Pure Pursuit for FRC.
- PurePursuitCommand.PointLoadingMode - Enum Class in
- PurePursuitCommand.RabbitChaseInfo - Class in
- PurePursuitTest - Class in xbot.common.math
- PurePursuitTest(List<RabbitPoint>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- PurePursuitTest.AsyncLinearIntervalJob - Interface in xbot.common.math
- PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState - Class in xbot.common.math
- PurePursuitTestComponent - Class in xbot.common.injection.components
Do not use this directly.
- PurePursuitTestComponent() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.components.PurePursuitTestComponent
- PursuitEnvironmentState(FieldPose, FieldPose, FieldPose, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- PWM - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- pwmFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- PWMWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- PWMWPIAdapter(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- PWMWPIAdapter.PWMWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- PWMWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter.PWMWPIAdapterFactory
- rabbit - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- rabbit - Variable in class
- rabbitAngle - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- RabbitChaseInfo(double, double) - Constructor for class
- RabbitChaseInfo(double, double, FieldPose, FieldPose) - Constructor for class
- RabbitChaseInfo(double, double, FieldPose, FieldPose, double) - Constructor for class
- rabbitLookAhead - Variable in class
- RabbitPoint - Class in
- RabbitPoint(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
- RabbitPoint(FieldPose) - Constructor for class
- RabbitPoint(FieldPose, RabbitPoint.PointType, RabbitPoint.PointTerminatingType) - Constructor for class
- RabbitPoint(FieldPose, RabbitPoint.PointType, RabbitPoint.PointTerminatingType, RabbitPoint.PointDriveStyle) - Constructor for class
- RabbitPoint.PointDriveStyle - Enum Class in
- RabbitPoint.PointTerminatingType - Enum Class in
- RabbitPoint.PointType - Enum Class in
- RabbitPointBuilder - Class in
- RabbitPointBuilder() - Constructor for class
- readFromFile() - Method in class
- RealControlsModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module for mapping control device interfaces to real hardware.
- RealControlsModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealControlsModule
- RealDevicesModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module for mapping device interfaces to real hardware.
- RealDevicesModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.RealDevicesModule
- RealSmartDashboardCommandPutter - Class in xbot.common.command
- RealSmartDashboardCommandPutter() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.RealSmartDashboardCommandPutter
- REAR_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
- REAR_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
- rearLeft - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponentHolder
- RearLeftDrive - Annotation Interface in xbot.common.injection.swerve
This annotation denotes the rear left swerve module.
- rearRight - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponentHolder
- RearRightDrive - Annotation Interface in xbot.common.injection.swerve
This annotation denotes the rear right swerve module.
- reboundValue() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Shifts the value so that it still represents the same position but is within the current bounds.
- reboundValue(double, double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- recommendIsFinished(Pose2d, PIDManager, HeadingModule) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- record(String, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, boolean[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, byte[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, double) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, double[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, float) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, float[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, int) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, int[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, long) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, long[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, E) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, Measure<U>) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, Protobuf<T, MessageType>, T) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, Struct<T>, T) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, Struct<T>, T...) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, String) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, String[]) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, LoggedMechanism2d) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, T) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- record(String, T...) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in interface xbot.common.advantage.DataFrameRefreshable
Consumes and processes inputs from the device or subsystem.
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
Must be called every robot loop, and should be done before any properties are accessed in order to make the robot as responsive as possible.
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- refreshDataFrame() - Method in class
- registerDataFrameRefreshable(DataFrameRefreshable) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSubsystem
- registerDevice(DevicePolice.DeviceType, int) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
- registerDevice(DevicePolice.DeviceType, int, int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
Register a device with an id falling into an allowable range
- registerDevice(DevicePolice.DeviceType, int, int, int, Object) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
Register a device with an id falling into an allowable range
- registerDevice(DevicePolice.DeviceType, int, Object) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
Register a device
- registerDevice(DevicePolice.DeviceType, CANBusId, int, Object) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
Register a CAN device
- registeredChannels - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
A list of all the channels in use, and what device is using them.
- registeredDevices - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice
A list of all the devices in use
- registerProperty(Property) - Method in class
Adds the property to the local collection.
- registerSubsystem(Subsystem...) - Method in class xbot.common.command.XScheduler
- Relative - Enum constant in enum class
- relayFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- RelayWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- RelayWPIAdapter(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.RelayWPIAdapter
- RelayWPIAdapter.RelayWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- RelayWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.RelayWPIAdapter.RelayWPIAdapterFactory
- releaseButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- releaseButton(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- remove(String) - Method in interface
Removes a key from the table.
- remove(String) - Method in class
- remove(String) - Method in class
- remove(String) - Method in class
- removeAll() - Method in class xbot.common.command.XScheduler
- requires(BaseSubsystem) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- reset() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider
- reset() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider
Resets the decider defaulting to machine control.
- reset() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.VelocityThrottleModule
- reset() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Resets the PID controller.
- reset() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class
- reset(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider
Resets the decider.
- reset(Pose2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- resetCorners() - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
Sets the corners back to default availability.
- resetDecider() - Method in class
- resetDecider(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Resets the decider to the given mode.
- ResetDistanceCommand - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands
- ResetDistanceCommand(BasePoseSubsystem) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.ResetDistanceCommand
- resetDistanceTraveled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- resetPid() - Method in class
Reset the software PID.
- resetPosition() - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- resetPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- ResetSimulatorPositionCommand - Class in xbot.common.simulation
- ResetSimulatorPositionCommand(WebotsClient, BasePoseSubsystem, SimulationPayloadDistributor) - Constructor for class xbot.common.simulation.ResetSimulatorPositionCommand
- restoreCorner(Translation2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode
- reverseSolenoid - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- RightBumper - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- rightDriveDistance - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- RightJoystickYAxisNegative - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- RightJoystickYAxisPositive - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- RightStick - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- rightTank - Variable in class
- rightTotalDistance - Variable in class
- RightTrigger - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- rightXInversion - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- rightYInversion - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- RIO - Static variable in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
- rioRotated - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- RisingEdge - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.Latch.EdgeType
- rl - Variable in class
- robot - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- RobotAssertionException - Exception in xbot.common.logging
- RobotAssertionException(String) - Constructor for exception xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionException
- robotAssertionManager() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- RobotAssertionManager - Class in xbot.common.logging
Base class for safe assertion manager.
- RobotAssertionManager() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- robotInit() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code.
- RobotModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module mapping interfaces to implementations for a real robot.
- RobotModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.RobotModule
- robotToCamera - Variable in class
- roll - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XGyroIoInputs
- rotate(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Rotates the vector by a given angle.
- rotateAngleBasedOnAlliance(Rotation2d) - Static method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- rotation - Variable in class
- rr - Variable in class
- rumbleGamepad(double, double) - Method in class
- rumbleGamepad(double, double) - Method in interface
Rumbles the gamepad at the specified intensity for the given duration.
- rumbleManager - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- RumbleManager - Class in
Wrappers around gamepad rumble behavior to control intensity and duration.
- RumbleManager(XJoystick) - Constructor for class
Creates a new RumbleManager instance.
- RumbleManager.RumbleManagerFactory - Class in
- rumbleManagerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- RumbleManagerFactory() - Constructor for class
- run() - Method in class xbot.common.command.XScheduler
- runsWhenDisabled() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- runsWhenDisabled() - Method in class
- runsWhenDisabled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.SetAutonomousCommand
- runsWhenDisabled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.ResetDistanceCommand
- runsWhenDisabled() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- scale(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Scales the current coordinate by a magnitude equally in both dimensions.
- scale(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Scales the coordinate by an x- and y- magnitude.
- scaleDouble(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- scheduler() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- SecondInside - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
- secondsToPoint - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- sendMotors(List<JSONObject>) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- sendPacket(String) - Method in class xbot.common.networking.MockZeromqListener
- serial - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.InterfaceType
- servoFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- ServoWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- ServoWPIAdapter(int, String, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.ServoWPIAdapter
- ServoWPIAdapter.ServoWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- ServoWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.ServoWPIAdapter.ServoWPIAdapterFactory
- set(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- set(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSolenoid
- set(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- set(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SolenoidWPIAdapter
- set(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- set(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- set(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.SettableBooleanSuppler
- set(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger
- set(boolean) - Method in class
- set(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockServo
- set(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSpeedController
- set(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.ServoWPIAdapter
- set(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SpeedControllerWPIAdapter
- set(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
Set the servo to a specific value.
- set(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- set(double) - Method in class
- set(Relay.Value) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockRelay
- set(Relay.Value) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.RelayWPIAdapter
- set(Relay.Value) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- set(String) - Method in class
- setAbsolutePosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- setActivateBrakeOverride(boolean) - Method in class
- setActiveModule(BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem.SwerveModuleLocation) - Method in class
Meant to be used alongside debugging methods.
- setAimAtGoalDuringFinalLeg(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setAimAtIntermediateNonFinalLegs(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setAllParameters(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector
- setAlternativeIsFinishedSupplier(Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class
- setAsAsync(PurePursuitTest.AsyncLinearIntervalJob) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- setAsyncPeriodMultiplier(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- setAutoCommand(Command) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.SetAutonomousCommand
- SetAutonomousCommand - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous
- SetAutonomousCommand(AutonomousCommandSelector) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.SetAutonomousCommand
- setAutonomousState(String) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- setAverageBits(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- setAverageBits(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.AnalogInputWPIAdapater
- setAverageBits(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput
- setAveraging(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensor
- setAveraging(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor
- setAveraging(boolean) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.DistanceSensor
- setAveraging(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- setAveraging(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor
- setAveraging(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- setAxisInverted(int, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- setBonusOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Writes a boolean property value.
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
- setClosedLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setClosedLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setClosedLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setClosedLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setCollectorOrientedTurningActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setConfiguration(CANMotorControllerOutputConfig) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setConfiguration(CANMotorControllerOutputConfig) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setConfiguration(CANMotorControllerOutputConfig) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setConfiguration(CANMotorControllerOutputConfig) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setConstantRotationPowerSupplier(Supplier<Double>) - Method in class
- setConstantVelocity(double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setCurrent(int, double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPowerDistributionPanel
- setCurrentAutonomousCommand(Command) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- setCurrentAutonomousCommandSupplier(Supplier<Command>) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- setCurrentHeading(double) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- setCurrentLimitsForMode(SwerveDriveSubsystem.CurrentLimitMode) - Method in class
- setCurrentPosition(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- setD(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setDeadband(double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class
- setDefaultCommand(Subsystem, Command) - Method in class xbot.common.command.XScheduler
- setDefaultLevel(Property.PropertyLevel) - Method in class
Sets the default property level.
- setDerivativeThreshold(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setDesiredHeading(double) - Method in class
- setDesiredHeading(double) - Method in interface
- setDeviceRawAccelX(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setDeviceRawAccelY(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setDeviceRawAccelZ(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setDeviceVelocityX(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setDeviceVelocityY(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setDeviceVelocityZ(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setDistance(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensor
- setDistance(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- setDistance(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- setDistanceOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor
- setDistanceOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- setDistanceOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor
- setDistancePerPulseSupplier(Supplier<Double>) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- setDistanceThresholdToPrioritizeRotation(double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setDotProductDrivingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface
Writes a numeric property value.
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class
- setDoubleSolenoid(XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- setDriveBackwards(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setDriveCurrentLimits(SwerveDriveSubsystem.CurrentLimitMode) - Method in class
- setDriveEncoderDistances(int, int) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.MockBasePoseSubsystem
- setDriveModuleCurrentLimits(SwerveDriveSubsystem.CurrentLimitMode) - Method in class
- setDriveMotors(XCANMotorController, XCANMotorController) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.MockBasePoseSubsystem
- setEnableConstantVelocity(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setEnableDerivativeThreshold(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setEnableErrorThreshold(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setEnableSpecialAimDuringFinalLeg(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setEnableSpecialAimTarget(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setEnableTimeThreshold(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setErrorThreshold(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setErrorTolerance(double) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
Sets the error tolerance for the maintain command.
- setExtremePrecisionTranslationActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setF(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the table to fast mode.
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setFieldPoseOffset(FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
In the case where the origin of the field doesn't match our traditional convention (with 0,0 on the bottom-left vertex of the rectangular FRC field if viewed from above with your alliance driver station at the bottom), then we need to shift X,Y coordinates to get everything to line up.
- setForward() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- setForward() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- setForward() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Drive the motor in the forward direction.
- setGamePieceOrientatedRotationActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setGlobalLogLevel(AKitLogger.LogLevel) - Static method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
This controls the log level for all AKitLoggers.
- setHeadingToApply(double) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- setHeadingToApply(Supplier<Double>) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- setI(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setIMask(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- setImplementation(XTimerImpl) - Static method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimer
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedTrigger
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.InvertingBooleanSupplier
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- setIsBroken(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setIsDefault(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous.AutonomousCommandSelector
- setIsRobotOrientedDrive(boolean) - Method in class
- setIZone(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setKeyPoints(List<? extends ProvidesInterpolationData>) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator
- setKeyPoints(List<XbotSwervePoint>) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setKeyPointsProvider(Supplier<List<XbotSwervePoint>>) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setLeftInversion(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- setLeftInversion(boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- setLeftInversion(boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- setLeftStick(double, double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- setLeftStick(XYPair) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- setLeftStick(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- setLeftTrigger(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- setLogLevel(AKitLogger.LogLevel) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
Set the log level for this particular logger instance.
- setLowerBound(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- setMagnetOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
Sets the magnet offset configured on the encoder device.
- setMaintainerIsAtGoal(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- setManualBalanceMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setMaximumDistanceFromChasePointInMeters(double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator
- setMaxOutput(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- setMaxPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setMaxTurningPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setMinOutput(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDManager
- setMockPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- setMode(HeadingAssistModule.HeadingAssistMode) - Method in class
- setMode(PurePursuitCommand.PointLoadingMode) - Method in class
- setModulus(int) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.IntermittentConsoleLogger
- setMotorControllerPidTarget() - Method in class
Calculates the nearest position on the motor encoder to targetDegrees and sets the controller's PID target.
- setMotorControllerVelocityPidFromSubsystemTarget() - Method in class
- setNewPacketHandler(Consumer<String>) - Method in class xbot.common.networking.MockZeromqListener
- setNewPacketHandler(Consumer<String>) - Method in interface xbot.common.networking.XZeromqListener
- setNewPacketHandler(Consumer<String>) - Method in class xbot.common.networking.ZeromqListener
- setNextModuleAsActiveModule() - Method in class
Meant to be used alongside debugging methods.
- setNoviceMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setNoviceMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setNoviceMode(boolean) - Method in class
- setObserver(Consumer<Latch.EdgeType>) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.Latch
Set the callback to trigger on changes.
- setOff() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- setOn(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- setOpenLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setOpenLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setOpenLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setOpenLoopRampRates(Time, Time) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setP(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setPidDirectly(double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPidDirectly(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPidDirectly(double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setPidDirectly(double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setPidDirectly(double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setPidDirectly(double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPIDs(HeadingModule, PIDManager) - Method in class
By default, the PurePursuitCommand uses the HeadingModule and PositionalPid from the DriveSubsystem.
- setPIDsToDefault() - Method in class
- setPitch(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setPoints() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- setPoints(List<RabbitPoint>) - Method in class
- setPointSupplier(Supplier<List<RabbitPoint>>) - Method in class
- setPose(Pose2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- setPosition(Angle) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- setPositionMaintainerXTarget(double) - Method in class
- setPositionTarget(Angle, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPositionTarget(Angle, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setPositionTarget(Angle, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setPositionTarget(Angle, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setPositionTarget(Angle, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- setPower(double) - Method in class
- setPower(double) - Method in class
Sets the output power of the motor.
- setPower(double) - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Sets the motor output power.
- setPowerRange(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setPowerRange(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setPowerRange(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setPowerRange(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setPowers(double, double) - Method in class
Very basic drive method - bypasses all PID to directly control the motors.
- setPrecisionRotationActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setPrecisionTranslationActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
Changes the log prefix.
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class
Sets the prefix for all properties created by this factory.
- setPrefix(IPropertySupport) - Method in class
Sets the prefix for all properties created by this factory.
- setPrioritizeRotationIfCloseToGoal(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setPWMRate(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- setPWMRate(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- setPWMRate(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- setQuickAlignActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setQuickTurn(boolean) - Method in class
- setRate(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- setRaw(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- setRaw(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- setRaw(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
Sets the PWM duty cycle
- setRawAxis(int, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- setRawAxis(int, double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- setRawLeftStick(XYPair) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
Needed for a few scenarios where we want to emulate the underlying joystick behavior and not the intent after inversion.
- setRawPosition(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockDutyCycleEncoder
- setRawRightStick(XYPair) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
Needed for a few scenarios where we want to emulate the underlying joystick behavior and not the intent after inversion.
- setReverse() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- setReverse() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- setReverse() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Drive the motor in the reverse direction.
- setRightInversion(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.IGamepad
- setRightInversion(boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- setRightInversion(boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- setRightStick(double, double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- setRightStick(XYPair) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- setRightStick(XYPair) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- setRightTrigger(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockXboxControllerAdapter
- SetRobotHeadingCommand - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands
- SetRobotHeadingCommand(BasePoseSubsystem) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands.SetRobotHeadingCommand
- setRoll(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setRotateToHubActive(boolean) - Method in class
- setRunsWhenDisabled(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseCommand
- setSamplesToAverage(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockEncoder
- setSamplesToAverage(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.EncoderWPIAdapter
- setSamplesToAverage(int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- setShouldCheckTolerances(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Controls whether or not the tolerances are checked as part of isOnTarget().
- setSigned(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- setSigned(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- setSigned(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
Sets the PWM duty cycle
- setSpecialAimTarget(Pose2d) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setStable() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Used if you want the validator to start in a stable state.
- setStableWindow(double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Update the stable window using a constant value.
- setStableWindowProvider(Supplier<Double>) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Update the stable window using a supplier.
- setStopWhenFinished(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setString(String, String) - Method in class
- setString(String, String) - Method in interface
Writes a string property value.
- setString(String, String) - Method in class
- setString(String, String) - Method in class
- setString(String, String) - Method in class
- SettableBooleanSuppler - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- SettableBooleanSuppler(boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.SettableBooleanSuppler
- settableTimerImplementation() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- SetTargetCommand<T> - Class in xbot.common.command
- SetTargetCommand(BaseSetpointSubsystem<T>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.SetTargetCommand
- setTargetPose(FieldPose) - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.ResetSimulatorPositionCommand
- setTargetState(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class
Sets the target steering angle and drive power for this module, in METRIC UNITS.
- setTargetValue(Double) - Method in class
Sets target velocity in inches per second
- setTargetValue(Double) - Method in class
Sets target angle in degrees
- setTargetValue(T) - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseSetpointSubsystem
- setTargetValue(T) - Method in class xbot.common.command.SetTargetCommand
- setTestDistance(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockLidarLite
- setThrottleLimits(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.VelocityThrottleModule
- setTimeInSeconds(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockTimer
- setTimeInSeconds(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.TimerWpiAdapter
- setTimeInSeconds(double) - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSettableTimerImpl
Set the current time
- setTimeThreshold(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PIDPropertyManager
- setTolerances(double, double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PID
Set tolerances for the PID system.
- setTopLevelPrefix() - Method in class
Sets the prefix for all properties created by this factory to the top level.
- setTrapezoidalProfileAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setTrapezoidalProfileAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setTrapezoidalProfileAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setTrapezoidalProfileAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setTrapezoidalProfileJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setTrapezoidalProfileJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setTrapezoidalProfileJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setTrapezoidalProfileJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setUnlockFullDrivePower(boolean) - Method in class
- setUnsigned(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- setUnsigned(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.PWMWPIAdapter
- setUnsigned(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
Sets the PWM duty cycle
- setUp() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
- setUp() - Method in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- setUpdateFrequencyForPosition(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- setUpdateFrequencyForPosition(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- setUpdateFrequencyForPosition(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
Updates how often we get data about the CANCoder position.
- setupFrontLeftSubsystems(SwerveComponent) - Method in class
- setupFrontRightSubsystems(SwerveComponent) - Method in class
- setupInjectionModule() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
Override if you need a different module
- setUpperBound(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- setupRearLeftSubsystems(SwerveComponent) - Method in class
- setupRearRightSubsystems(SwerveComponent) - Method in class
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class xbot.common.logic.Latch
Set the new value of the latch, triggering the callback if the value changes.
- setValue(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- setVelocityMaintainerXTarget(double) - Method in class
- setVelocityTarget(AngularVelocity) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setVelocityTarget(AngularVelocity, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setVelocityTarget(AngularVelocity, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- setVelocityTarget(AngularVelocity, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- setVelocityTarget(AngularVelocity, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- setVelocityTarget(AngularVelocity, XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode, int) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- setVoltage(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockAnalogInput
- setVoltageOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.AnalogDistanceSensor
- setVoltageOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- setVoltageOffset(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor
- setWaypointRouter(ProvidesWaypoints) - Method in class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- setWheelsToXMode() - Method in class
- setX(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- setX(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- setY(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockFTCGamepad
- setY(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockJoystick
- setYaw(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- setYawAngularVelocity(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- sharedPeriodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- sharp0A51SK(double) - Static method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor.VoltageMaps
- shiftBounds(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Shifts both bounds by the specified amount
- shiftValue(double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Shifts value by the specified amount (addition)
- shouldSkipLogging() - Method in class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger
- signal - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XDigitalInputs
- SilentRobotAssertionManager - Class in xbot.common.logging
Version of RobotAssertionManager that prevents throwing of exceptions.
- SilentRobotAssertionManager() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logging.SilentRobotAssertionManager
- SimpleCamera - Class in
This class provides common base implementation for cameras on the robot.
- SimpleCamera(CameraInfo, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new SimpleCamera.
- SimpleMotorSubsystem - Class in xbot.common.subsystems.simple
Generic subsystem that handles a single motor which can be driven in forward and reverse.
- SimpleMotorSubsystem(String, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Create an instance with default power settings.
- SimpleMotorSubsystem(String, PropertyFactory, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Create an instance with the specified default forward and reverse power.
- SimpleTimeInterpolator - Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- SimpleTimeInterpolator() - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SimpleTimeInterpolator
- SimpleTimeInterpolator.InterpolationResult - Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand - Class in xbot.common.command
Command that waits for a maintainer to be at its goal or until a timeout.
- SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand(BaseSetpointSubsystem<?>, Supplier<Double>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand
Creates a new SimpleWaitForMaintainerCommand instance.
- SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor(int, DoubleFunction<Double>, String, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor
- SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensorFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensorFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensor.SimulatedAnalogDistanceSensorFactory
- SimulatedPositionSupplier - Interface in xbot.common.subsystems.pose
- SimulatedPurePursuitCommand - Class in
- SimulatedPurePursuitCommand(HeadingModule.HeadingModuleFactory, BasePoseSubsystem, BaseDriveSubsystem, PropertyFactory, WebotsClient) - Constructor for class
- SimulationComponent - Class in xbot.common.injection.components
Do not use this directly.
- SimulationComponent() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.components.SimulationComponent
- simulationInit() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- SimulationModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module mapping interfaces to implementations for a simulated robot.
- SimulationModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.SimulationModule
- simulationPayloadDistributor - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- simulationPayloadDistributor() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- SimulationPayloadDistributor - Class in xbot.common.simulation
- SimulationPayloadDistributor(DevicePolice, XSettableTimerImpl) - Constructor for class xbot.common.simulation.SimulationPayloadDistributor
- simulationPeriodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- simulationScalingValue - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.DeviceInfo
- smartDashboardCommandPutter() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- SmartDashboardCommandPutter - Interface in xbot.common.command
- SmartDashboardTableWrapper - Class in
- SmartDashboardTableWrapper() - Constructor for class
- Solenoid - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- SOLENOID_POWER_MODE - Static variable in interface xbot.common.simulation.ISimulatableSolenoid
- solenoidFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- SolenoidWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- SolenoidWPIAdapter(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SolenoidWPIAdapter
- SolenoidWPIAdapter.SolenoidWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- SolenoidWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SolenoidWPIAdapter.SolenoidWPIAdapterFactory
- SparkMax - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.MotorControllerType
- speedControllerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- SpeedControllerWPIAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- SpeedControllerWPIAdapter(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SpeedControllerWPIAdapter
- SpeedControllerWPIAdapter.SpeedControllerWPIAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
- SpeedControllerWPIAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.SpeedControllerWPIAdapter.SpeedControllerWPIAdapterFactory
- speedSlider - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PlanarTestVisualizer
- spi - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.InterfaceType
- SPI - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- squareAndRetainSign(double) - Static method in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- StallDetector - Class in xbot.common.logic
- StallDetector(PropertyFactory, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector
- StallDetector.StallDetectorFactory - Class in xbot.common.logic
- StallDetector.StallState - Enum Class in xbot.common.logic
- stallDetectorFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- StallDetectorFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallDetectorFactory
- STALLED - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallState
- Standard - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick.ButtonSource
- start() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- start() - Method in class xbot.common.logging.TimeLogger
- start() - Method in class xbot.common.networking.MockZeromqListener
- start() - Method in interface xbot.common.networking.XZeromqListener
- start() - Method in class xbot.common.networking.ZeromqListener
- Start - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- startAsyncTimer() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- startTime - Variable in class xbot.common.command.DelayViaSupplierCommand
- statorCurrentLimit - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- step(double, double) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarEngine
- stickyFaultHasReset - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- stop() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- stop() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- stop() - Method in class xbot.common.logging.TimeLogger
- stop() - Method in class xbot.common.networking.ZeromqListener
- stop() - Method in class
- stop() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.simple.SimpleMotorSubsystem
Stop the motor.
- Stop - Enum constant in enum class
- stopAllUnsetSignals() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- stopAllUnsetSignals() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- stopAllUnsetSignals() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
Stops all signals that are not explicitly set.
- stopGamepadRumble() - Method in class
- stopGamepadRumble() - Method in interface
Immediately stops rumbling on the gamepad.
- stopTestEnv() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- StringProperty - Class in
A type of Property that manages a String value.
- StringProperty(String, String, String, XPropertyManager) - Constructor for class
- StringProperty(String, String, String, XPropertyManager, Property.PropertyLevel) - Constructor for class
- struct - Static variable in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Translation2d struct for serialization.
- subtract(T, T) - Method in interface xbot.common.math.MovingAverage.SumFunction
- suffix - Variable in class
- supplier - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedTrigger
- SupportsSetpointLock - Interface in xbot.common.command
- SwerveComponent - Class in xbot.common.injection.swerve
Subcomponent for a handling dependency injection related to a single swerve drive module.
- SwerveComponent() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- SwerveComponent.Builder - Interface in xbot.common.injection.swerve
- SwerveComponentHolder - Class in xbot.common.injection.swerve
Contains components representing each swerve module.
- SwerveComponentHolder(SwerveComponent, SwerveComponent, SwerveComponent, SwerveComponent) - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponentHolder
- SwerveDefaultCommandMap - Class in
Sets up the default commands for the swerve subsystems
- SwerveDefaultCommandMap() - Constructor for class
- swerveDriveMaintainerCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- SwerveDriveMaintainerCommand - Class in
- SwerveDriveMaintainerCommand(BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem, SwerveDriveSubsystem, PropertyFactory, HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory) - Constructor for class
- SwerveDriveRotationAdvisor - Class in
- SwerveDriveRotationAdvisor(ISwerveAdvisorPoseSupport, ISwerveAdvisorDriveSupport, PropertyFactory, HumanVsMachineDecider) - Constructor for class
- swerveDriveSubsystem() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- SwerveDriveSubsystem - Class in
- SwerveDriveSubsystem(SwerveInstance, XCANMotorController.XCANMotorControllerFactory, PropertyFactory, XSwerveDriveElectricalContract) - Constructor for class
- SwerveDriveSubsystem.CurrentLimitMode - Enum Class in
- swerveInstance() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- swerveInstance(SwerveInstance) - Method in interface xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent.Builder
- SwerveInstance - Record Class in xbot.common.injection.swerve
Labels a swerve module instance.
- SwerveInstance(String) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveInstance
Creates an instance of a
record class. - SwerveModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.swerve
- SwerveModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveModule
- swerveModuleSubsystem() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- SwerveModuleSubsystem - Class in
- SwerveModuleSubsystem(SwerveInstance, SwerveDriveSubsystem, SwerveSteeringSubsystem, XSwerveDriveElectricalContract, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class
- SwerveSimpleTrajectoryCommand - Class in
- SwerveSimpleTrajectoryCommand(BaseSwerveDriveSubsystem, BasePoseSubsystem, PropertyFactory, HeadingModule.HeadingModuleFactory) - Constructor for class
- SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic - Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic() - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.SwerveSimpleTrajectoryLogic
- SwerveSingleton - Annotation Interface in xbot.common.injection.swerve
This annotation denotes a singleton scoped to a single swerve module.
- swerveSteeringMaintainerCommand() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- SwerveSteeringMaintainerCommand - Class in
- SwerveSteeringMaintainerCommand(SwerveSteeringSubsystem, PropertyFactory, HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineDeciderFactory) - Constructor for class
- swerveSteeringSubsystem() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveComponent
- SwerveSteeringSubsystem - Class in
- SwerveSteeringSubsystem(SwerveInstance, XCANMotorController.XCANMotorControllerFactory, XCANCoder.XCANCoderFactory, PropertyFactory, PIDManager.PIDManagerFactory, XSwerveDriveElectricalContract) - Constructor for class
- SwerveSuggestedRotation - Class in
- SwerveSuggestedRotation() - Constructor for class
- SwerveSuggestedRotation(double, SwerveSuggestedRotation.RotationGoalType) - Constructor for class
- SwerveSuggestedRotation.RotationGoalType - Enum Class in
- system - Variable in class xbot.common.command.SetTargetCommand
- table - Variable in class
- tableProxy() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- TableProxy - Class in
A simple implementation of ITableProxy.
- TableProxy() - Constructor for class
- tagCount() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - tagIds - Variable in class
- tagIds - Variable in class
- tagVisibleByAnyCamera(int) - Method in class
true if any camera can see the specified tag. - tagVisibleByCamera(int, int) - Method in class
true if the camera can see the specified tag. - TalonFx - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.MotorControllerType
- tankDrive(double, double) - Method in class
Classic tank drive.
- target - Variable in class
- TargetObservation(int, Rotation2d, Rotation2d, Transform3d) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - targetValue - Variable in class xbot.common.command.SetTargetCommand
- Tau - Static variable in class xbot.common.math.MathUtils
- Teleop - Enum constant in enum class
- teleopInit() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- teleopPeriodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
This function is called periodically during operator control
- terminatingType - Variable in class
- testPeriodic() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
This function is called periodically during test mode
- throwException(RuntimeException) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- throwException(String, Throwable) - Method in class xbot.common.logging.RobotAssertionManager
- TimeLogger - Class in xbot.common.logging
- TimeLogger(String, int) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logging.TimeLogger
- timer - Variable in class xbot.common.injection.BaseWPITest
- timer - Variable in class xbot.common.simulation.BaseSimulationTest
- timerImplementation() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- TimerWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- TimerWpiAdapter() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.TimerWpiAdapter
- timeStableValidator - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
- TimeStableValidator - Class in xbot.common.logic
Checks that a value is stable for a given amount of time.
- TimeStableValidator(double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Creates a new TimeStableValidator using a constant value.
- TimeStableValidator(Supplier<Double>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.TimeStableValidator
Creates a new TimeStableValidator using a window from a supplier.
- timestamp() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - timestampSeconds() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - timeThreshold() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns the value of the
record component. - toggle() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.SettableBooleanSuppler
- toggle() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger
- TopAndBottom - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType
- topLeft - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- topLeftAvailable - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- topRight - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- topRightAvailable - Variable in class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle
- toString() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDDescription
- toString() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CameraInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANBusId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.swerve.SwerveInstance
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
- toString() - Method in class xbot.common.math.FieldPose
- toString() - Method in record class xbot.common.math.PIDDefaults
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- totalDistanceX - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- totalDistanceY - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- totalDistanceYRobotPerspective - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- totalVelocity - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- toTranslation2d() - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
- translatePower - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- translation - Variable in class
- transverseTotalDistance - Variable in class
- TrapezoidalVoltage - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode
TrapezoidalVoltage mode is used to control the motor controller's output as a voltage, with a trapezoidal profile for acceleration and deceleration.
- triggeredCommands - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- turnPower - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState
- tx() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - ty() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - type - Variable in class
- type() - Method in record class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component.
- uncalibratedMachineControlAction() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseMaintainerCommand
The uncalibrated machine control action.
- Unhealthy - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.resiliency.DeviceHealth
- UnitTestModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module mapping interfaces to implementations for unit tests.
- UnitTestModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.UnitTestModule
- UnitTestRobotModule - Class in xbot.common.injection.modules
Module mapping interfaces to implementations for a unit-test robot.
- UnitTestRobotModule() - Constructor for class xbot.common.injection.modules.UnitTestRobotModule
- Unknown - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
- unpack(ByteBuffer) - Method in class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- unwrapAbove() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Calculates a number representing the current value that is higher than (or equal to) the upper bound.
- unwrapBelow() - Method in class xbot.common.math.ContiguousDouble
Calculates a number representing the current value that is lower than (or equal to) the lower bound.
- update() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDistanceSensorPair
- update() - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockLidarLite
- update() - Method in interface xbot.common.controls.sensors.DistanceSensorPair
- update() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.MultiplexedLidarPair
- update() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.LidarLiteWpiAdapter
- update() - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- updateCurrentHeading() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- updateDutyCycle(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- updateDutyCycle(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.DigitalOutputWPIAdapter
- updateDutyCycle(double) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- updateInputs(PhotonCameraExtendedInputs) - Method in class org.photonvision.PhotonCameraExtended
- updateInputs(XAbsoluteEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockAbsoluteEncoder
- updateInputs(XAbsoluteEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- updateInputs(XAbsoluteEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- updateInputs(XAbsoluteEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- updateInputs(XAbsoluteEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- updateInputs(XAbsoluteEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- updateInputs(XCANCoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockCANCoder
- updateInputs(XCANCoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.CANCoderAdapter
- updateInputs(XCANCoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
- updateInputs(XCANMotorControllerInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters.MockCANMotorController
- updateInputs(XCANMotorControllerInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter
- updateInputs(XCANMotorControllerInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters.CANTalonFxWpiAdapter
- updateInputs(XCANMotorControllerInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- updateInputs(XDigitalInputs) - Method in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- updateInputs(XDigitalInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DigitalInputWPIAdapter
- updateInputs(XDigitalInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput
- updateInputs(XDutyCycleEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockDutyCycleEncoder
- updateInputs(XDutyCycleEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.DutyCycleEncoderWpiAdapter
- updateInputs(XDutyCycleEncoderInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- updateInputs(XGyroIoInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters.MockGyro
- updateInputs(XGyroIoInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.InertialMeasurementUnitAdapter
- updateInputs(XGyroIoInputs) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- updateInputs(AprilTagVisionIO.VisionIOInputs) - Method in interface
- updateInputs(AprilTagVisionIO.VisionIOInputs) - Method in class
- updateInputs(AprilTagVisionIO.VisionIOInputs) - Method in class
- updateInputs(AprilTagVisionIO.VisionIOInputs) - Method in class
- updateLoggingContext() - Method in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- updateOdometry() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- updatePose() - Method in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
This should be called as often as reasonably possible, to increase accuracy of the "distance traveled" calculation.
- updateViz(PurePursuitTest.PursuitEnvironmentState) - Method in class xbot.common.math.PlanarVisualizationPanel
- upgradeFieldPoseList(List<FieldPose>) - Static method in class
- USB - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
- usesPropertySystem - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- value - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalInput
- value - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockDigitalOutput
- value - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockPWM
- value - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockServo
- value - Variable in class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MockSpeedController
- value - Variable in class
Used for SwerveDriveRotationAdvisor to pass back values in one of two ways: DesiredHeading (The heading you want to be at) HeadingPower (The power of which you should be rotating)
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.ImuType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.InterfaceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick.ButtonSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.InversionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.NeutralMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.MotorControllerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.Latch.EdgeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.resiliency.DeviceHealth
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.advantage.AKitLogger.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.ImuType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.InterfaceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick.ButtonSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.DevicePolice.DeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.InversionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.NeutralMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.MotorControllerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.CalibrationDecider.CalibrationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.HumanVsMachineDecider.HumanVsMachineMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.Latch.EdgeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.math.PID.OffTargetReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.resiliency.DeviceHealth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.ParallelCrossingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xbot.common.trajectory.Obstacle.PointProjectionCombination
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- velocity - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XAbsoluteEncoderInputs
- velocity - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- velocityFeedForward() - Method in record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Returns the value of the
record component. - VelocityThrottleModule - Class in xbot.common.logic
- VelocityThrottleModule(String, PIDManager, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.VelocityThrottleModule
- VelocityThrottleModule.VelocityThrottleModuleFactory - Class in xbot.common.logic
- velocityThrottleModuleFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- VelocityThrottleModuleFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.VelocityThrottleModule.VelocityThrottleModuleFactory
- velocityX - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- velocityY - Variable in class xbot.common.subsystems.pose.BasePoseSubsystem
- versionEntry - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.PhotonCameraExtendedInputs
- virtualButtonFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- VirtualTrigger - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
A virtual button under program control that can be used for creating chords.
- VirtualTrigger(boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger
- VirtualTrigger(SettableBooleanSuppler) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger
- VirtualTrigger.VirtualTriggerFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
- VirtualTriggerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.VirtualTrigger.VirtualTriggerFactory
- VisionIOInputs() - Constructor for class
- visionMeasurementStdDevs() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - VisionPoseObservation - Record Class in
- VisionPoseObservation(Pose2d, double, Matrix<N3, N1>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - visionRobotPoseMeters() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - vizPanel - Variable in class xbot.common.math.PlanarTestVisualizer
- vizRun() - Method in class xbot.common.math.PurePursuitTest
- voltage - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANMotorControllerInputs
- Voltage - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode
Voltage mode is used to control the motor controller's output as a voltage.
- VoltageMaps() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor.VoltageMaps
- WAS_STALLED_RECENTLY - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector.StallState
- wasStalledRecently() - Method in class xbot.common.logic.StallDetector
- WatchdogTimer - Class in xbot.common.logic
- WatchdogTimer(double, Runnable, Runnable) - Constructor for class xbot.common.logic.WatchdogTimer
- webots - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- webotsClient() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- WebotsClient - Class in xbot.common.simulation
- WebotsClient(PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.simulation.WebotsClient
- WhenPressed - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType
- WhenReleased - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType
- WhileHeld - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger.ButtonTriggerType
- whileTrue(Command) - Method in class xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons.AdvancedXboxButtonTrigger
- withInversionType(CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.InversionType) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- withNeutralMode(CANMotorControllerOutputConfig.NeutralMode) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- withStatorCurrentLimit(Current) - Method in class xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract.CANMotorControllerOutputConfig
- WrappedRotation2d - Class in xbot.common.math
A rotation in a 2d coordinate frame, with its rotation wrapped from -pi to pi radians (-180 to 180 degrees).
- WrappedRotation2d(double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.WrappedRotation2d
Constructs a WrappedRotation2d with the given radian value.
- WrappedRotation2d(double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.WrappedRotation2d
Constructs a WrappedRotation2d with the given x and y (cosine and sine) components.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class
- x - Variable in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
- X - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- XAbsoluteEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XAbsoluteEncoder(DeviceInfo) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAbsoluteEncoder
- XAbsoluteEncoder.XAbsoluteEncoderFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XAbsoluteEncoderInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XAbsoluteEncoderInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XAbsoluteEncoderInputs
- XAnalogDistanceSensor - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XAnalogDistanceSensor(int, DoubleFunction<Double>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogDistanceSensor
- XAnalogDistanceSensor.VoltageMaps - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XAnalogDistanceSensor.XAnalogDistanceSensorFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XAnalogInput - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XAnalogInput(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XAnalogInput
- XAnalogInput.XAnalogInputFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XBaseIO - Interface in xbot.common.controls
- xbot.common.advantage - package xbot.common.advantage
- xbot.common.command - package xbot.common.command
The command framework, scheduler and subsystems.
- xbot.common.controls - package xbot.common.controls
- xbot.common.controls.actuators - package xbot.common.controls.actuators
Interfaces for interacting with actuator devices.
- xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters - package xbot.common.controls.actuators.mock_adapters
Mock implementations of actuator devices.
- xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters - package xbot.common.controls.actuators.wpi_adapters
Implementations of actuator deices that work on physical robots.
- xbot.common.controls.io_inputs - package xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- xbot.common.controls.sensors - package xbot.common.controls.sensors
Interfaces for input devices like buttons and sensors.
- xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons - package xbot.common.controls.sensors.buttons
Classes for custom input types, like buttons or joystick axes.
- xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters - package xbot.common.controls.sensors.mock_adapters
Mock implementations of sensor devices.
- xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters - package xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
Implementations of sensor devices that work on physical robots.
- xbot.common.injection - package xbot.common.injection
- xbot.common.injection.components - package xbot.common.injection.components
Components for use with Dagger.
- xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract - package xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
- xbot.common.injection.modules - package xbot.common.injection.modules
Modules for use with Dagger.
- xbot.common.injection.swerve - package xbot.common.injection.swerve
Contains classes that are used to help with dependency injection with swerve drive robots.
- xbot.common.logging - package xbot.common.logging
- xbot.common.logic - package xbot.common.logic
Logic utilities.
- xbot.common.math - package xbot.common.math
Math utilities.
- xbot.common.networking - package xbot.common.networking
Networking utilities.
- - package
The property system.
- xbot.common.resiliency - package xbot.common.resiliency
- xbot.common.simulation - package xbot.common.simulation
Utilities for simulating robot operation on a computer.
- xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous - package xbot.common.subsystems.autonomous
Utilities used in writing autonomous programs.
- xbot.common.subsystems.compressor - package xbot.common.subsystems.compressor
Subsystems related to operating air compressors.
- - package
Subsystems related to the robot drive-train.
- - package
- - package
Subsystems for managing swerve drive modules.
- - package
Commands for use with swerve drive modules.
- - package
Subsystems for feedback devices, like rumble motors.
- xbot.common.subsystems.pose - package xbot.common.subsystems.pose
- xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands - package xbot.common.subsystems.pose.commands
- xbot.common.subsystems.simple - package xbot.common.subsystems.simple
Base subsystems helpful for common devices.
- - package
- xbot.common.trajectory - package xbot.common.trajectory
- XbotSwervePoint - Class in xbot.common.trajectory
- XbotSwervePoint(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- XbotSwervePoint(Pose2d, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- XbotSwervePoint(Translation2d, Rotation2d, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.trajectory.XbotSwervePoint
- xboxControllerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- XboxControllerWpiAdapter - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- XboxControllerWpiAdapter(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, XRumbleManager.XRumbleManagerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter
- XboxControllerWpiAdapter.XboxControllerWpiAdapterFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters
- XboxControllerWpiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.wpi_adapters.XboxControllerWpiAdapter.XboxControllerWpiAdapterFactory
- XCameraElectricalContract - Interface in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
This interface is used to provide information about the cameras on the robot.
- XCANCoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XCANCoder(DeviceInfo) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XCANCoder
- XCANCoder.XCANCoderFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XCANCoderInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XCANCoderInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANCoderInputs
- XCANMotorController - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XCANMotorController(CANMotorControllerInfo, String, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, String, XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorController
- XCANMotorController.MotorPidMode - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
The PID mode to use when setting a target position or velocity.
- XCANMotorController.XCANMotorControllerFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XCANMotorControllerFactoryImpl - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XCANMotorControllerFactoryImpl(CANTalonFxWpiAdapter.CANTalonFxWpiAdapterFactory, CANSparkMaxWpiAdapter.CANSparkMaxWpiAdapterFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerFactoryImpl
- XCANMotorControllerInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XCANMotorControllerInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANMotorControllerInputs
- XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties - Record Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties() - Constructor for record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
- XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties(double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
- XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCANMotorControllerPIDProperties
Creates an instance of a
record class. - XCANSparkMaxInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XCANSparkMaxInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XCANSparkMaxInputs
- XCompressor - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
Represents an air compressor.
- XCompressor() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XCompressor
- XCompressor.XCompressorFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
A factory to create XCompressor instances.
- XDigitalInput - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XDigitalInput(DevicePolice, DeviceInfo, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDigitalInput
- XDigitalInput.XDigitalInputFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XDigitalInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XDigitalInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XDigitalInputs
- XDigitalOutput - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XDigitalOutput(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDigitalOutput
- XDigitalOutput.XDigitalOutputFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XDoubleSolenoid - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XDoubleSolenoid(XSolenoid, XSolenoid) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid
- XDoubleSolenoid.DoubleSolenoidMode - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XDoubleSolenoid.XDoubleSolenoidFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XDoubleSolenoidFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XDoubleSolenoid.XDoubleSolenoidFactory
- XDutyCycleEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XDutyCycleEncoder(DeviceInfo, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XDutyCycleEncoder
- XDutyCycleEncoder.XDutyCycleEncoderFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XDutyCycleEncoderInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XDutyCycleEncoderInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XDutyCycleEncoderInputs
- XEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XEncoder(String, int, int, double, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- XEncoder(String, PropertyFactory) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- XEncoder(Supplier<Double>) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XEncoder
- XEncoder.XEncoderFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XFTCGamepad - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XFTCGamepad(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XFTCGamepad
- XFTCGamepad.XFTCGamepadFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XGyro - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XGyro(XGyro.ImuType) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro
- XGyro.ImuType - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XGyro.InterfaceType - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XGyro.XGyroFactory - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XGyroFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XGyro.XGyroFactory
- XGyroIoInputs - Class in xbot.common.controls.io_inputs
- XGyroIoInputs() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XGyroIoInputs
- XJoystick - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XJoystick(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XJoystick
- XJoystick.ButtonSource - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XJoystick.XJoystickFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XLidarLite - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XLidarLite(I2C.Port, PropertyFactory, DevicePolice, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XLidarLite
- XLidarLite.XLidarLiteFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XPowerDistributionPanel - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XPowerDistributionPanel() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XPowerDistributionPanel
- XPowerDistributionPanel.XPowerDistributionPanelFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XPropertyManager - Class in
The PropertyManager keeps track of all properties in CoreCode.
- XPropertyManager(PermanentStorage) - Constructor for class
- XPWM - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XPWM(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XPWM
- XPWM.XPWMFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XRelay - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XRelay(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XRelay
- XRelay.XRelayFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XRumbleManager - Interface in
- XRumbleManager.XRumbleManagerFactory - Interface in
- xScheduler - Variable in class xbot.common.command.BaseRobot
- XScheduler - Class in xbot.common.command
Wrapper for base Scheduler which intelligently manages exceptions.
- XScheduler() - Constructor for class xbot.common.command.XScheduler
- XServo - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
A servo motor.
- XServo(int, String, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XServo
Create a new servo motor.
- XServo.XServoFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XSettableTimerImpl - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XSolenoid - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XSolenoid(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSolenoid
- XSolenoid.XSolenoidFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XSparkAbsoluteEncoder - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XSparkAbsoluteEncoder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XSparkAbsoluteEncoder
- XSpeedController - Class in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XSpeedController(int, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.actuators.XSpeedController
- XSpeedController.XSpeedControllerFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.actuators
- XSwerveDriveElectricalContract - Interface in xbot.common.injection.electrical_contract
This interface defines the base electrical contract for robots implementing swerve drive.
- XTimer - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XTimer() - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XTimer
- XTimerImpl - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XXboxController - Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XXboxController(int, AdvancedJoystickButtonTrigger.AdvancedJoystickButtonTriggerFactory, AdvancedPovButtonTrigger.AdvancedPovButtonTriggerFactory, AnalogHIDButtonTrigger.AnalogHIDButtonTriggerFactory, XRumbleManager.XRumbleManagerFactory, RobotAssertionManager, DevicePolice) - Constructor for class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController
- XXboxController.XboxButton - Enum Class in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XXboxController.XXboxControllerFactory - Interface in xbot.common.controls.sensors
- XYPair - Class in xbot.common.math
Pair of X and Y coordinates.
- XYPair() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Create a coordinate at the origin.
- XYPair(double, double) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Create a coordinate with the specified x and y value.
- XYPair(Rotation2d) - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.XYPair
Creates a coordinate representing the unit vector for a rotation.
- XYPairStruct - Class in xbot.common.math
- XYPairStruct() - Constructor for class xbot.common.math.XYPairStruct
- XZeromqListener - Interface in xbot.common.networking
- XZeromqListener.XZeromqListenerFactory - Interface in xbot.common.networking
- y - Variable in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
- Y - Enum constant in enum class xbot.common.controls.sensors.XXboxController.XboxButton
- yaw - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XGyroIoInputs
- yawAngularVelocity - Variable in class xbot.common.controls.io_inputs.XGyroIoInputs
- ZERO - Static variable in class xbot.common.math.XYPair
- ZeromqListener - Class in xbot.common.networking
- ZeromqListener(String, String) - Constructor for class xbot.common.networking.ZeromqListener
This is the wrapper class for the actual ZeroMQ subscriber, based on and our 2017 ethernet implementation.
- ZeromqListener.ZeromqListenerFactory - Class in xbot.common.networking
- zeromqListenerFactory() - Method in class xbot.common.injection.components.BaseComponent
- ZeromqListenerFactory() - Constructor for class xbot.common.networking.ZeromqListener.ZeromqListenerFactory
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form