Class AnalogHIDButtonTrigger

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AnalogHIDButtonTrigger extends AdvancedTrigger
  • Constructor Details

    • AnalogHIDButtonTrigger

      @AssistedInject public AnalogHIDButtonTrigger(@Assisted("joystick") XJoystick joystick, @Assisted("axisNumber") int axisNumber, @Assisted("analogMinThreshold") double analogMinThreshold, @Assisted("analogMaxThreshold") double analogMaxThreshold)
      Create a joystick button for triggering commands based off of an analog axis
      joystick - The GenericHID object that has the analog axis to use
      axisNumber - The axis number (appears to usually be [X=0,Y=1,Z=2])
      analogMinThreshold - Analog threshold to trigger binary button state
      analogMaxThreshold - Analog threshold to trigger binary button state
  • Method Details