Interface ITableProxy

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DatabaseStorageBase, MockPermanentStorage, PreferenceStorage, SmartDashboardTableWrapper, TableProxy

public interface ITableProxy
This interface defines a simple table interface, where you can set and retrieve values. All methods are strongly typed (so we have SetDouble instead of Set(object))
  • Method Details

    • setDouble

      void setDouble(String key, double value)
      Writes a numeric property value.
      key - The name of the property.
      value - The value to write.
    • setBoolean

      void setBoolean(String key, boolean value)
      Writes a boolean property value.
      key - The name of the property.
      value - The value to write.
    • setString

      void setString(String key, String value)
      Writes a string property value.
      key - The name of the property.
      value - The value to write.
    • getDouble

      Double getDouble(String key)
      Reads a numeric property value.
      key - The name of the property.
      The value of the property, or null if it does not exist.
    • getBoolean

      Boolean getBoolean(String key)
      Reads a boolean property value.
      key - The name of the property.
      The value of the property, or null if it does not exist.
    • getString

      String getString(String key)
      Reads a string property value.
      key - The name of the property.
      The value of the property, or null if it does not exist.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears all values from the table.
    • setFastMode

      void setFastMode(boolean on)
      Sets the table to fast mode. This is a hint to the underlying implementation that we are going to be doing a lot of reads and writes in a short period of time, and that it should optimize for that case.
      on - True to turn fast mode on, false to turn it off.
    • remove

      void remove(String key)
      Removes a key from the table.
      key - The name of the property to remove.